Season finale.
Oh God.
So Smokey is now Locke (Smock?) who is also "Esau" (see the Biblical references to Jacob). So Smokey has been controlling Locke since...when? Season 3 when Ben first shot him? Or was it only since this season? And Jacob's death could be read as the end of the Others since Biblically (Charles feel free to correct me) Jacob was the father of Israel and such.
And "Esau" didn't accept the fish which was the offering of food in the Bible.
Also! Who would be the "isaac" assuming that a somewhat vaguely Biblical reading can be used here.
If they're just borrowing the idea of two people fighting over the "birthright" of the island (Isaac?) then eh, that's fairly straight forward.
Now onto my favorite character, Ben.
All I have to say. Someone pointed out that season 3 Ben would have seen that Smock was there and not Locke. This Ben, while I feel sorry for him, is so defeated. And yes, some would say he had it coming, but really, EVERYTHING has been taken from him. And I mean EVERYTHING. Even Jacob's belief because really, Ben has been failed in his life by everyone he ever knew. Literally. No wonder he's fucked up.
Juliet still may live! Which means that Suliet for teh win!
Kate just .... stop. Kuliet? I could dig that except I'd feel bad for Sawyer.
Jack...-sighs- Jack.
Has everyone forgotten Whitmore? Or has his story ended with Daniel's death?
When people die they need to stay dead. Seriously. But now we know Smokey/Esau was Christian, Alex, Locke, Charlie and everyone else we've seen so far. And that is why the Others burn the dead and send the remains out to sea, so that Smokey/Esau can't use them.
I wonder Benjamen, being the son of Jacob in the Bible, has anything to do with anything? I will probably be proven wrong horribly. We shall see. And I want Always Have a Plan!Ben back.
Also, Richard! My eye-liner wearing love. Ricardo as he was called xD Was he on the ship? And if Jacob made him the way he was, what happens to him now? And I think Jacob knew he was going to die. He pushed Ben's glaringly huge red button of "what about me" he knew it was coming which is also why he sent Locke's body back to Richard! Yes, so Richard something. Maybe with Ben ?
So season 6 will be, -ahem-, the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, Only One Will Survive, I Wonder Who it Will Be, This Is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. Yes.