Dec 19, 2006 23:11
Life goes by in chapters to me. I am coming to the conclusion of Chapter 4: High school. So far it has been the tale of a pretty smart, sorta handsome,dorky, but cool in his own dorky way, guy who has tired to fit in, keep a girl friend and get into a good college. I have failed at 2 of those. And this story is about 1 of those problems.
Well first a side story. I'm not taking choir, I love it its great the people are really cool but I can't fit it into my schedule, I need a LOT of work on my singing, and I'm tired of people giving me dirty looks when I open my mouth (or say anything stupid for that matter).
Also I'm not going to be in theatre... I have not ime in my schedual at all thanks to lyle deciding to get rid of a 3rd period AP physics I guess tons of people are dropping AP physics. Go figure.
Good News: I get out at lunch! Hooray! Life is sweet!
Now back to the main story, I went on a date with an old friend of mine who has a bf I like her she use to like me,she still likes me but we both now that bus has long passed. yet we both try to catch the bus every time we go on a "date" of sorts.
Then theres the girl I'm taking to Formal. I don't know too much about her but I would love to get to know her more, she's pretty cool, and she seemed interested in me. But now she basically blows me off. I wonder if I should even go to formal with her. Do I want her as a gf? I don't know. I would rather get to know her, take her to formal and then ask her on an official date. but right now she barely even talks to me.
Then theres the blond one. the one that has basically caused the good part of my strife for the ;last 10 months. yes it has been 10 months. But thats a bus I wonder sometimes if it ever existed maybe we thought there was a bus for two months but really I was riding on some other guys bus taking up his seat. I don't like to think about the blond, it makes me think of happy times that no longer exist.
So with girls I give up should I wait for one to come to me? Ha like that'd ever happen I'm gonna study get good grades and hang out with friends and maybe some girl will take an interest in me. Maybe.
Oh and Justin Cornwall there is a Trojan on my computer A Trojan condom! (ok not really)
(I apologize to Jen Narbonne who probably found that insulting) (ANd any other person who was insulted by the word condom)