Back in DC...

Aug 20, 2005 04:12

I really hope today wasn't meant to foreshadow how the rest of my year/time in DC is going to be because if so, I'm really fucked. It was reminiscent of high school; being sleep deprived and violently ill (we had to make 5 stops before we even got to Delaware) and then supping on naught but meager servings of pretzels and Swedish Fish, but with much diet peach Snapple (sry.). Now I am once again unable to sleep when I should have passed out hours ago. I have to be "ready to go" in less than 6 hours to put the rest of my furniture together (ie. everything but my bed) and thoroughly disinfect my entire bathroom because it is absolutely revolting. I think the only thing more digusting would have to be the carton of chinese food that was filled with more mold than food that JZ showed me earlier. Yum.

On a less whiny note, this is my new toy. It was an early birthday present.

I didn't ask for such a nice one, but my mom thought I should have one that will last. Sensible I suppose; once I graduate from college and find myself jobless, I can sew to survive. Costumes, anyone? I should really take a class or something and actually learn how to do something properly for once.

OH I almost forgot to mention that we have the creepiest thing ever in our house. In the basement, there is a storage closet, and in the wall of the storage closet, there is a window carved out that goes into this big room full of what looks like dust, dirt, and chicken wire. It's amazing. It reminds me of the oven from Hansel and Gretel.
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