Title: Take Me Away (Chapter 8)
Characters/Pairings: Kangin, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, eventual Kyumin
Rating: R (for talk of death)
Notes: au, angst
WARNING: Hostage situation, talk of the death of a child (I apologize for that)
Summary: It was something exciting to do. They never stole, only tried to show the ignorant rich people they are not safe behind
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poor sungmin.. he must of been so traumatized from the lack of love
you're studying child development! that must be so sad :( I thought about majoring in psychology, but I thought I would get too depressed..
yes, it was very dramatic o.o
lol actually, it not really ahaha ^^'' it just teahes you the best way to help a child grow to be the bes they can be you know? but of course you have to be aware of the conseqeunces of neglect/abuse/and the effects of the enviroment and community they live in, let alone their home life and situations aha. i love it though and i think it suits me well because i can be one of those great teachers who can make a difference :D and its super fun, especially planning the curriculum because i get to plan and make my classmates do a educational activity without them realizing how much they're learning because its so fun and/or interesting! [haha sorry, i have a passion for this hehe ^^''] whats your major? or do you know what you want it to be yet? :]
psychology seems wickedly interesting but i feel that i would not only become depressed, but paranoid because i'm sure the class will tell you just how easy it is for a person to snap O.O *scary~*
hmm.. that actually sounds really interesting! it will make you a good mommy :) & if you do become a teacher that makes a difference, maybe they will make a movie about you!!!! hehe It's very clear you have a passion for it, but it's good!! don't apologize for it!! it means you like what you do, which mean you can't really fail! & I'm going to major in advertising :) I haven't started taking classes for it yet, but I'm excited for it!
I took an intro to psychology class my freshman year & a lot of it was depressing, and crazy!! some of the movies he had us watch were horrible! but then others were kind of facinating when they showed how easily a person's mind can be minipulated
omgosh! advertising?! thats amazing! you must be super artistic and creative huh :D [even though i'm positive you are having one heck of a creative fanfic out ;D] what type of advertising? like media advertising ? i'm excited with you! :DDD
lol people are crazy, its scary when you can't tell who's crazy and who's not *shudders*
unless it's donghae or kyuhyun crazily in love, then i'm pretty ok with it lol
manipulation within itself is a crazy topic because those being manipulated have no idea!! crazy i tell you! crazy! [and utterly fascinating o.o] lol <3
eh.. I'd like to think I'm creative, but I don't know hahaha & it's not a specific type yet.. but I'm thinking of media advertising, I think I would prefer that more, I understand it more at least.
crazy and utterly fascinating hahaha I like it.
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