Title: Counting on Someone [088. Numbers: Leeteuk/Kyuhyun] Characters: Kyuhyun, Leeteuk Genre: au Rating: G Summary: Kyuhyun has a obsessive compulsive disorder that makes even listening a hassle.
i really really liked this reading this. it was so fun and simple because your writing style is still amazing as i remember it being! even better, i might add ;)
the ocd syndrome kyuhyun had is very unique. i've never heard of anything like that. he must be super smart to be able to count numbers o_o
i was wondering about the numbers in the brackets after each phrase and then it all made sense.
i think i figured it out ;)
Good riddance [99]. 7+15+15+4+18+9+4+4+1+14+3+5
haha this reminds me of that starking episode where all these little korean math geniuses can out and started adding all the numbers on this chart or something like that. kyu came out too and to keep up his math genius reputation he peeked at the answer of the kid beside him but got it wrong anyway. lul
and i laughed during this part.
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at the sniggers he received from his classmates-they all thought he was a psycho.
and you made me love jungsu even more! his character was so kind and understanding and gentle.
aw i just really liked this fic. i hope you can tell by my pointless & messy rambling. you're a great writer. i enjoyed reading this. thanks ♥
Yep yep you got it!!! I was worried the numbers in brackets would get confusing.. originally I had a lot more bracketed numbers, but I thought it would be too distracting
the ocd syndrome kyuhyun had is very unique. i've never heard of anything like that. he must be super smart to be able to count numbers o_o
i was wondering about the numbers in the brackets after each phrase and then it all made sense.
i think i figured it out ;)
Good riddance [99].
haha this reminds me of that starking episode where all these little korean math geniuses can out and started adding all the numbers on this chart or something like that. kyu came out too and to keep up his math genius reputation he peeked at the answer of the kid beside him but got it wrong anyway. lul
and i laughed during this part.
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at the sniggers he received from his classmates-they all thought he was a psycho.
and you made me love jungsu even more! his character was so kind and understanding and gentle.
aw i just really liked this fic. i hope you can tell by my pointless & messy rambling. you're a great writer. i enjoyed reading this. thanks ♥
Yep yep you got it!!! I was worried the numbers in brackets would get confusing.. originally I had a lot more bracketed numbers, but I thought it would be too distracting
I'm happy you liked it so much!!!
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