
Apr 09, 2007 23:07

This is gay...
my birthday is friday... but idk if i wanna throw a party... not because i dont wanna hang out with friends... but im lazy :(.... lol htats me :P i havent called anyone... i've mentioned it to whoever i;ve talked to but... idk... i do that... its annoying... I still love you all and miss you all... i guess my laziness is killer...

idk if i wanted a BIG party.... or a small party.... do i wanna share it with everyone? or just my closest friends?... idk... and i call Karen Indesicive.... :P

OH my  goodness... now that im on i might as well say a little more... just cuz i feellike it... So i got in a car accident on easter... nothing big.... no one was hurt and I was NOT driving... we were on our way to church and a guy turned out in front of us....

I got that parking ticket dismissed that i got from ASU :P

Love is good... on thursday itll be five months... but whos counting? ;P

Ive been talking to mandy more :D

But im out of minutes :(

i still have unlimited texts...

I almost FAILED my english class... I had my big research paper due today and I didnt do it... i didnt know it was due... i took a 4 day weekend... Its a good thing my english professor likes me... i just have to write it tomorrow and turn it in on wed.... i have all my quotes so i should be good...

My mom started working...

Now i have to take my brother to school everymorning and pick him up after school everyday...

I wish i didnt have to...

so now ill be home alone all day :(.... i liiked the noise....

My brother split open my cousins eyebrow on accident with a golf club

Shes in the emergency room (or was)

Im tired of stupid school... i dont wanna do it... im not doin very well in my classes... at least i dont think i am... i dont have straight A's thats for sure.... and i need the scholarship money to stay in school to make it easier on my family...

That or i gotta start working and making money to pay for it...

I dont wanna do that... i dont have enough time in my days as it is :(

Crap... now im in a sour mood... thats not fun...

I wish.... i could just move on.... i dont want school right now... my gay classes....

But i guess in reality its just me... My classes are actually pretty easy but i spend so much time on the damned computer that i dont do my class work.... then i choose to spend my time with Karen and TKD... But i have Sooo much time im alone at home... and i dont do ANYTHING productive with it at ALL

It took me two weeks to send an email to ASU for the parking ticket

I still dont have an appointment to get my windshield fixed (my excuse is that the military sticker is on it... but thats a bunch a Bull)

I think i am just stressed.... this past couple days has not been working out for me... those four days of no school was nice but it just alerted me to all the crap im not doing at home :/...

Im done.... Goodnight...

Im sorry guys for not keeping in touch...
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