Hey Thanks...

Jul 30, 2006 20:41

Uh... That Last Thing Was Really Unexpected... I Mean If U Know That Much About Me To Steal My Pass That Is Really Freakin Weird Cuz If U Knew My Pass... U Would See Y NO ONE Would Be Able To Figure It Out...

But Thanx Guy. Ill Hold My Head High

And Thanx If U Left A Comment. Hmmm... Yea N-Uff Said.

I Was At My Cuz's House And We Found A Notebook... A Notebook I Havent Seen Since Freshman Year... Full Off Poetry And Sayings From Me Lol...

Ill Post Later. Until Then...Farewell

Smells Like Nirvana
by Al Yankovic

What is this song all about?
Can't figure any lyrics out
How do the words to it go?
I wish you'd tell me, I don't know
Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no
Don't know, don't know, don't know...

Now I'm mumblin' and I'm screamin'
And I don't know what I'm singin'
Crank the volume, ears are bleedin'
I still don't know what I'm singin'
We're so loud and incoherent
Boy, this oughta bug your parents

It's unintel-ligible
I just can't get it through my skull
It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss
With all these marbles in my mouth
Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no
Don't know, don't know, don't know...

Well, we don't sound like Madonna
Here we are now, we're Nirvana
Sing distinctly? We don't wanna
Buy our album, we're Nirvana
A garage band from Seattle
Well, it sure beats raising cattle

And I forgot the next verse
Oh well, I guess it pays to rehearse
The lyric sheet's so hard to find
What are the words? Oh, nevermind
Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no
Don't know, don't know, don't know...

Well, I'm yellin' and we're playin'
But I don't know what I'm sayin'
What's the message I'm conveyin'?
Can you tell me what I'm sayin'?
So have you got some idea?
Didn't think so -- Well, I'll see ya
Sayonara, sayonara
Ayonawa, odinawa
Odinaya, yodinaya
Yaddayadda, yaaahyaaah

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