Apr 13, 2005 07:30
so..............guess its been a while and im not really sure where to start...at the beginning but where is that...... can i just stop and recommend two books to you all.... two books which have changed my life and given me a different outlook on life.... a breathe of fresh air they are; TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE AND FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN both written by MITCH ALBOLM (unsure of surname, but they are both world famous and they are mindblowing, especially the latter.....) GO READ THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so ...... got back from America some time in october 2004 with a parasite in my gut, got discentry because of it and had to undergo all my police exams, fitness tests, interviews whilst dropping 2 stone in 2 weeks ( for you yanks thats about28pounds i think).... doctors tried helping but couldnt they were going to admit me to a foreign disease ward in london...as i was getting critically thin, i know its hard to imagine, but bones were showing and i was weaker than a weak thing..... netherless i did my exams, tests and PASSED.... come AUGUST 31st i will be standing in front of a judge swearing to SERVE QUEEN AND COUNTRY!!! crazy my average mark was about 97%! totally proud of myself. I will be PC Helen..... crazy or what...... so anyway theres this cleaner guy at work (born again Christian ) and hes like look dr's cant help you, im praying for you, go and drink a pint of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR a day and see what happens,...... within days the parasite aka PERCY was dead and i was eating and putting on weight again - horaah!!
So...... i decide that after those trials and tribulations i should go on holiday... having just read 'the diVinci code' (another MUST read ) i decided to fly to MILAN to see ' the last supper ' painting... cut a long story short, went there had a FANTASTIC TRIP, thats a story for another time.....
so..... i have 20 weeks till i join.... i booked myself a trip..... my last trip ( for now!!) or maybe one of my last trips for now... as i want to book a couple before August... So im flying on July 12th to Vietnam and South Korea!! for about 4-6 weeks unsure how long and have an open flight so can stay longer, if so ill be going through Camboodia and Thailand ( again ) as well- pretty damm awesome!!
Saving hard....... and have been for months... working 60hour weeks and got enough money together to book another trip then.......................................... living the life of helen to the extremes i have a car crash last saturday........................................................................yep..... i crash........ and its not pretty..... being only 22 driving a sports car 1.8engine my insurance already sky high and not wanting a mark against my name i pay outta my own pocket!!! which bleeds me dry...... so now im saving again....but it could have been worse .. how much does life suck right now- seriously sucks... but i read that book 'five people you meet in heaven ' and it changed my outlook, go read and your know what i mean......
havent been in contact with many of yous in ages, and im sorry for that manly becuase ive been a) working TOO much b)have had to deal with some stuff... not saying anymore c)nursing a broken heart ( thats hurts more than percy the parasite ( so like we all do we lock ourselves away, dont we, shut the world out.) again not going into that either...
thats all for now......
but can i leave you with one famous Scottish saying, that i truly 100% believe in that comforts me when lifes not turning out how i want....
ooh one more thing - STEPH your an absolute LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you..............................