Vector lyrics
Analysis seems to be the better answer
But how can I control this incestuous, grey forest?
Thousands of wooden guardians protect transmissions.
My frantic excavation is not the key to wake up,
Now it's time for another mask,
A Face, my furrowed stare.
I'll try to see only the surface of the water but
The jokes continues and the purple hate gives a clear signal.
Vector rises,
And it brings lucid reasons to follow a balanced trail.
The return journey doesn't frighten me,
It doesn't frighten anymore.
The serpent will not eat it's tail again.
Goodbye my forest.
Now I've found my hatchet.
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Was a good day peaceful and quiet. This was shattered briefly but nothing a couple if cigarettes and a glass or two of some could not solve. Leveled out and plateau again in equilibrium by the morning.
It was rammed at work, not with the kind of customers we want, but busy and the day passed fast enough because of the rush.
I was supposed to go out in the evening but in the end it all fell apart plans wise and I ended up just buying a four pack of cider and having a couple to my self watching good night Mr Tom and then playing some guitar parts for a new song.
Was up very early so early that I had time to take the dog down the canal and mount farm lake before going to work. This seemed still not enough as he kept looking out the window still wistfully.
Non stop again at work because of the special offer that was on. So again the day passed quickly. No lunch really because of it being so busy. However the evening was planned so well to counter act this.
Got changed and a little smarted up a little anyway. Then met with Malcolm. I very much enjoy this boys company with his cruel wit. He taught me some new insults which is always good to add to your repertoire. We went for some dinner at ASK which was pleasant enough we had wanted to go else where I had suggested other places but when we had arrived at the places they were shut for Sunday. Which was a bit poo, any way we went to ASK and stuffed our selves pretty well. I had crayfish stuffed ravioli and he had a chicken risoto.
I was home ward bound slightly waddling because of the grub. The train was packed so I hunkered down in the corner of the train and read and wrote.
Hone was just as it always is filled with parole and an excited little pup who after greeting me turned rug like. I had a few ciders and this finished my four pack and I went to bed.
Woke at two wide awake but made myself go back to sleep. This meant that when I did wake up at the right time I didn't want to leave my bed.
Rode to work with the cure playing in my ears. No seats on the train again! Stupid Monday mornings! So I sat down in the corner surrounded by bikes and cases and ate my freshly baked brioche that Mum had baked this morning.
This is the last day at work and I have one off. Should be seeing Heike tomorrow for a coffee. Then Saturday is also going to be a busy one, Friday maybe too.
An early wake up and on to doing a few things in the garden and round the house. I watched meloncholia which ruined the old brain a bit. Not exactly light hearted morning entertainment.
At some point I walked the hound and again gourd some nice moss to photograph. I love the stuff I do. I have been doing some research and reading about moss as well, very interesting it is too.
Got back and made some topping for toast with onion and potato and cheese.
Cut up some veg for dinner and put them to roast. Then went to meet Heike. Waited at the ice rink for a while but she ended up being at the train station its self. We chatted and ate coffee and I walked on lady on the loo! I find Heike very easy to talk to. Did not get half as long as was needed to talk about all the things that we needed to catch up upon. Hopefully see her again on the weekend. Home and as I travelled I felt a littlye rough. This continued even after eating and had to take some headache stuff to numb the skull.
Last day of the month and a leap year extra. More days this month meant we could reach our target, we think we did, but some times it seems not worth not all the stress it caused during the waiting for customers.
Got home and I had to do things to battle my lagging brain. It felt like it had started to wither. For a few.days I had not made it do anything.strenuous. I have continued my research.on.moss today however a little bit finding out little snippets of knowledge.
At home I washed up then ate with Mum and Bob. Snuck away and almost got nicked in to watching nothing but cartoons but managed to get away as I have now finished both seasons of the regular show.
Made some drum beats for a new track I'm working on sounds much better now I've done the drums instead of trying to write weird bass lines before getting a basic beat to run with. Have a better idea where to go with this track. Little however has progressed with other projects as brain was collapsing a bit for few days. It seems to be a bit back on track now.
I have been looking at some little digital camcorders about one hundred and thirty pounds for one with a manual focus on it. Going to start filming some things. Never owned a camcorder so may find it fun. Plus I have some great ideas on what to film.
Sat in my bed fussing my dog reading and relaxing with a cup of tea and some Music Concrete, Hildergard Westercamp in this instance and Ayn Rand for reading. Her writing is rich and thick with these characters of supreme confidence and sublime elegance.
Woke to thick fog could not see 10 meters or more ahead. Very pretty it was but very dangerous.
Work was not a long one, it passed pretty fast with little or nothing of consequence. Cheese shop on the lunch break picking up a delicious selection a Spanish blue cheese a strong cheddar and a cheshire.
Home on the train I am finally getting in to The Crow Road by Ian Banks. I had it as an ebook on my phone and had to stop reading it as when using the ebooks app (moon reader) and my music player on my phone, the processor could not handler it and would make my phone crash. It really does suffer when editing/ accessing storage on the memory card.
Home and I also bright home some delicious looking sausages from ST Giles cheese, they tasted as good as they looked and lil Bro had made some some potato when cabbage patties they we shallows fried. I have discovered a strange love for tarta sauce.
Deep bath and hair wash, listening to Disintegration by The Cure.
Not sure what happened during the day but ended up drunk. Stuck at Northampton. Crashed at plums.
Saturday got drunk and watched cartoons eventually got home and then tracked back to Northampton for M2M2.
Danced, got seriously drunk and then got a lift home. I think I got my hat lost on the way.
I suffered unbelievable pain and self inflicted torment. Sleep finally when I got home and some pies.
Last day of work more productive but of little interest.
I feel quite well and healthy today and have decided to spend most of it in bed watching farscape. That was very worth while and I have been successful in my attempts to do this. Got a good way through the first series. Then we went out to walk the hound for his afternoon walk stopped at Tesco to get some things. I fucking freaked out in their, its to enclosed and started to get the fear. Was soon out of the place when I had found my bits. The other main task I had set myself today was to consume lots of food and I have done that very well.
I am really sorry for not doing a very comprehensive blog of the last few days. They were a bit of a blur due to the amount of drink.