+ drywall nightmare 25 +

Mar 20, 2006 23:09

"Red." That's the kinda thing you call your redhead girlfriend, not the guy you just meet, and even for a chick it sounds kinda gay. S'like Spiderman callin' Mary Jane "MJ." It sounds retarded. If I ever come up with some lameass petname fo Rukia, I'm gonna kill myself.

I think maybe he's mistaken the high five line for makeouts. Man, that new Kojak wannabe totally derailed my studyin'. It's really fuckin' hard to pick that nonsense back up after you've set it down again. Things are gangin' up really quick now that spring break's done and over with, so I think I'm gonna start tackin' up lists to make sure it all gets done.

Bad shit:
- rent is due soon; monetary respite is over
- need new guitar strings for Zangetsu
- nightmares
- retail sucks
- apparently look Irish
- Modern Law exam next week
- Rukia is a pain
- have to do extra credit project on my own now that Ishida peaced out
- should attempt to call Karin
- need to go running regularly with the team; this seems to conflict with work

This shit is working:
- apparently look Irish; got lots of free drinks on St. Patrick's
- one month of no rent has actually let me put money back into a savings account
- I like pain
- seeing V for Vendetta tomorrow night with 'hime
- and she made me chili pie
- I found a dollar
- guitar calluses came back
- got a nice phone call from Yuzu
- running again


Heard some washed up detective just moved in here too. Corruption charges? Fuckin' douchebag. That's exactly the kinda guy who fucks around, makes shady deals, doesn't give a SHIT about what real justice is, and doesn't end up catching the slimeball that killed Mom.

Makes me pissed off all over again.

Moreso than usual. The fuck is he on about anyway? I'd like to introduce him to the business end of my fist.
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