My Better Half

Jan 27, 2013 20:17

I stole this survey from flannelgnome... feeling too lazy for a real entry right now, haha.

1. Who eats more?
It's hard to say... I'm a grazer, but Ken definitely eats more at meals.

2. Who said "I love you" first?
I did, and Ken said he wasn't ready to say it yet.  Then a week later, he said it, haha.

3. Who is the morning person?
Ugh, neither of us.  He gets up earlier than I do because he has to be at work earlier, though.

4. Who sings better?
Ken is definitely not a bad singer, but I'm more trained.

5. Who's older?
Ken, 4 months to the day.

6. Who's smarter?
It sounds like a copout, but we're smart in different ways.  I would say that overall, Ken is smarter.

7. Whose temper is worse?
Definitely mine, haha.  Ken is so laid back.

8. Who does the laundry?
We both do!  This weekend, Ken did it, though.

9. Who does the dishes?
We have a dishwasher, so that does most of the dishes.  Pots and pans are done by hand, usually by whoever didn't do most of the cooking.

10. Who sleeps on what side of the bed?
Standing at the foot of the bed, I'm on the left and he's on the right.

11. Whose feet are bigger?
His, haha.  I have stupidly tiny feet.

12. Whose hair is longer?

13. Who's better with the computer?
We're equally technologically advanced, I would say.

14. Do you have pets?
Yup!  Luna and Gershwin!  And Alpha, the betta (of course).

15. Who pays the bills?
Everything comes out of the joint account.  Ken drops the rent check off and I pay the rest of the bills online.

16. Who cooks dinner?
We usually cook together, but sometimes one of us takes over if the other isn't feeling well (me) or has a lot of work to do (him).

17. Who drives when you are together?
Mostly Ken, but sometimes I do.  Sometimes it depends on where we're going or what we're doing.

18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
It either comes out of the joint account or goes on Ken's credit card (yay points!)

19. Who's the most stubborn?
Neither one of us really are stubborn, but if I had to pick one, it's me.

20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
Me.  I always think I'm wrong, haha.

21. Whose family do you see more?
We see my mom and Levi more frequently than Ken's family in NY, but I think we see Ken's family more often than we see my dad and family in FL.

22. Who named your pet?
Well, I had them before I knew Ken, so I named them.  We know that we want to get a miniature pig once we have a house, though, and we picked out that name together.

23. Who kissed who first?
Excellent question.  We had been hanging out at my mom's house (where I was living at the time) after getting cheesesteaks and we were watching Eddie Izzard DVD's and having a glass of wine.  We had started out on opposite sides of the sofa, but eventually, we were kind of snuggling and at one point, I remember thinking, "I really want to kiss him.  But I'm not going to.  He's going to have to kiss me. Right.  Oh, wait.  He's kissing me.  Well then."  So... maybe Ken kissed me first?

24. Who asked who out?
Well, our first official date was an accidental date.  He had come to NJ to visit me because 2 years before that, we had tried to go out for cheesesteaks but the restaurant was closed and we decided that we still needed to do that.  It totally wasn't supposed to be a date, but by the end of the night (after the aforementioned wine and Eddie Izzard-fest), we ended up kissing/snuggling and at the end of the night, Ken asked me to come to NY and visit him the next week.  So... I guess Ken asked me out first?  We went on a few dates, and then after our 4th one, he officially asked me to be his girlfriend.  :)

25. What did you do on your first date?
Ate cheesesteaks, watched Eddie Izzard DVD's, drank some wine, snuggled, and made out.  :)

26. Who's more sensitive?
Definitely me, haha.  I'm an emotional disaster.

27. Who's taller?
I'm 4'11" and Ken is 6'1", so... Ken.  I do wear heels, frequently, but no matter what I do, I'm ALWAYS shorter.

28. Who has more friends?
I think I technically have more friends, but most of them are all also Ken's friends now.

29. Who has more siblings?
We each have one.  I have a younger brother and he has a younger sister.  Although he technically has two half-siblings... and I have 2 step-siblings, haha.

30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
We share the pants equally.  :)  Although I do love a good dress.
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