I,of course, stole this idea from Chris who got the idea from one of his friends.hope you don't mind

Nov 01, 2004 01:43

[Spell your first name backwards] Idnarb
[The story behind your screenname]my name and a number...twice
[How old are you] 16
[Where do you live] Hendersonville, TN

Describe Your...

[Wallet] It's black.
[Jewelry Worn Daily] Fish necklace, class ring, bracelets.
[Pillow Cover] It depends on where I sleep.
[Coffee Cup] I don't usually drink it.
[Shoes] $10 black shoes from Walmart.
[Backpack] Its black with zippers and pockets and what not.
[Favorite Shirt] The one I'm gonna make tomorrw and my black shirts.
[Favorite Pants] The black ones with the white stripes down the sides.
[Cologne/Perfume] Don't usually go for that, deodorant works fine.
[What are you wearing now] Delirious hoody and some purple pants.
[CD in stereo right now] a mixed 70s cd
[Hair] Long sort of, brown, usually straight.
[In my mouth] My teeth and tounge, plus some wires.
[In my head] Why? Why? I just don't know why.
[Wishing] I were at Kelly's house with her and Eddie.
[After this] Sleep perhaps.
[Talking to] Josh and Jeff.
[Some of your favorite movies] Fiddler On The Roof, The Crow, Edward Scissorhands, Puff The Magic Dragon,
[Something you're looking forward to in the next couple of months]Going to either New Jersey or Georgia for Christmas I believe. Building the new friendships. Church...that whole deal is very exciting. The things that God is going to do in other's lives. Prayer is so strong right now, its amazing. Never give up on prayer, I've been praying for certain people before they even knew me. Its been working.
[The last thing you ate] crackers.
[Something you are deathly afraid of] Not living up to my moral standards, giving up, losing faith, failing, being changed by other people. People in general.
[Do you like candles] Yeah.
[Do you like incense] Some.
[Do you believe in love] Yes.
[Do you believe in soulmates] Yes.
[Do you believe in love at first sight] No..I don't think so.
[What are 3 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] Millville, NJ, somewhere in Vermont, or somewhere near Evansville, GA
[What are some of your favorite pig-out foods]Hamburgers i guess, Hawaiian bread.
[What's something you wish you could understand better] Life. People.
[My father thinks I am] I honestly don't know what he thinks about me.
[My mother thinks I am] insane, yet sure of my identity i guess you could say.
[My grandma thinks I am] someone who will listen to her and who shares a mutual love for the things that she loves.
[Your best three qualities] I'm an excellent listener, I can draw well. I'm me and understand the fact that I am who I am and shouldn't be changed no matter what. Plus I can rollerblade like no other.
[Three worst qualities] I dislike a lot of people, I'm often too persistent, and I don't like to talk much.
[What makes you happy] Relatives, music, the North, people like Eddie and Kelly.
[Upsets you] Tennessee, when people I like or care about hate me.
[Do you have a diary] Is this one? I try to keep a journal every year, but it never works.
[You like to cook] Not necessarily like to, but I will... anything with directions.
[You have a secret that you haven't shared with anyone] I'm sure I do.
[You talk in your sleep] No.
[You set your watch a few minutes ahead] No.


[Movie you rented] i don't remember
[Movie you bought]Edward Scissorhands.
[Song you listened to] Dust In The Wind
[Song that was stuck in your head] Brandy(You're A Fine Girl)
[Song you downloaded] nothing
[CD you bought] ZZTop Greatest Hits or something like that.
[CD you listened to] 70's cd, i forget what 70s year it was.
[Person you've called] Butch
[Person that called you] Kaitlin
[TV show you've watched] Whose Line
[Person you were thinking of] a few people... Eddie, Racye, Joshua, the guy in my very strange dream.
Do you…

[Wish you could live somewhere else] Yes, in NJ or Vermont, maybe even GA.
[Think about suicide] Only when I'm bored.
[Think others find you attractive] Just the retards and some distant relatives...hmm.
[Want more piercings] how about some repiercings?
[Want more tattoos] Perhaps.
[Like cleaning] No.
[Like roller coasters] Depends on who else rides.
[Write in cursive or print] Both.
[Carry a donor card] Nope.
[Have a crush on somebody] Of course. There's one guy that some of you know, and then there's another here and there... mainly at church.

Have You...

[Ever cried over a boy/girl] Yeah, when Kyle was screaming at me and suggesting things that he had no clue about.
[Ever lied to someone] Yes, to a few people when it was necessary.
[Ever been in a fist fight] Yes, nothing too serious though.
[Ever been arrested] Nope, only one close call.


[Of times you've been in love] Love vs. Lust. I've lusted a few times, thought I was in love twice, and still feel love for the one I still see now and then.
[Of times you've had your heart broken] Probably just one true heartbreak... Jason.
[Of guys/girls you kissed] none.
[Of people you consider your enemies] A lot, mainly those that I don't even know.
[Of CD's that you own] Quite a few, over 24 probably.
[Of times your name has appeared in the newspaper] A few times that I know of.
[What do you notice first] Eyes maybe, the way a person acts.
[Last person you slow danced with] Troy at Jared's wedding.
[Makes you laugh the most] Shane
[Makes you smile] Eddie
[Has a crush on you] Well I guess I have my suspicions maybe, I don't know for sure though.

10 bands you've been listening to a lot lately:
2.Joe Walsh
3.Led Zeppelin
4.ZZ Top
5.Warren Zevon
6.Meat Loaf
7.Nick Gilder
8.Eddie Money
10.Eric Clapton/The Beatles/The Eagles

09 things you look forward to:
1.Leaving Tennessee.
2.Talking more to Racye.
3.Making my t-shirt tomorrow.
4.Making the t-shirts for Shane, Ed, Chris, and LB.
5.Seeing my buddies at church this Wednesday.
6.Going to college(hopefully in NJ)
7.Meeting Jeff, hopefully working with him if I move up there.
8.Listening to the rest of the 70s cds that my uncle just gave me.

08 things you like to wear:
1.comfortable pants
2.Delirious hoody
4.jeans everynow and then
5.my cigar pajama pants
6.my black and white goodwill skirt
7.Aunt Ginny's jacket that I just got

07 things that annoy you:
1. Idiots
2. Fast food places.
3. People.
4. My Dad.
5. My kittens.
6. Chain letters.
7. People.

06 things you say most days:
1. Hey.
2. How's it going?
3. This sucks.
4. Amen.
5. We have a test.
6. I hate Tennessee.

05 things you do everyday:
1. Eat.
2. Sleep.
3. Go to school.
4. Talk.
5. Become annoyed.

04 people you want to spend more time with:
1. Eddie
2. dream boy
3. Racye
4. Kelly/Lindsey

03 movies you could watch over and over again:
1. That Thing You Do
2. Left Behind
3. Audition...geez, yeah right.

02 of your favorite songs at the moment:
1. Werewolves of London ~Warren Zenov/Life's Been Good ~Joe Walsh
2. Hot Blooded ~Foreigner

01 person you could spend the rest of your life with: Shane?
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