give 'em the game face

Jun 05, 2005 23:10

"heyyyyyyyyy i betcha didn't know we offer grooming and dog training services, now DIDJA?"

"hello, how are you doing? great, me too! did you find everything you were looking for? yeah? good! do you have your pet perks card with you today? it's a free savings card! wouldja like one? fast and easy!"

i think i got about 20 people to sign up for a pet perks card today. and i sold lots of horse stuff!

i also worked the register for five hours straight and it was actually pretty fun. except when people give me checks. GODDAMN THOSE CHECK PEOPLE!

this weekend was amazing. marco is amazing. and we're the coolest couple ever. 4 p.m. after school by the preschool playground if you have a problem with that.
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