RECOVERY OF THE ORGANISM with the help of the endocrine system according to the Teaching of Grabovoi

Aug 22, 2023 16:15

This is my personal understanding of this way of control. I propose a control scheme that was first shown in Rome in 2018 in my training course, but has not been published anywhere. It is desirable to make a link to my practice.

Whoever wants to understand the meaning of controls in more detail should carefully study the book by Grigori Grabovoi “Restoration of human matter by numerical concentrations”.


First put your image in the area of eternity. The area of eternity is reached by any of the mastered methods. Then, for example, 4 or 5 numerical rows are placed in a sphere where the person who controls hears a melody/music/song from these numerical rows, that is, as if the sound of an orchestra. The sphere can be moved for a stronger glow or listening to a melody/sound. The glow of the sphere is directed at a person in the area of eternity, from there we immediately see the light going towards ourselves, that is, into physical space.

GLANDS OF INTERNAL SECRETION and the organism is as one whole.

In this case, you need to understand each number series:

889 314 219 798 - the area of matter with which a person works, that is, this is the area of the endocrine glands. The next step is sequential concentration.

317 218 219 819 - the pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that regulates the activity of many other endocrine glands (and, accordingly, human organs). We immediately see the activity of the pituitary gland on the image and we imagine connections in the area of the endocrine glands according to the scheme, for example:

519 317 219 416 - the row of regulation of the endocrine glands works simultaneously (you can do sequential concentration); series tends to speed up the recovery process. The row works according to the connections that are conditionally shown on the scheme.

419 312 819 212 - the organism exists as a conjoint whole: when all the endocrine glands are activated and “on the number of organs in the area of which the endocrine glands are located”, that is, we include the entire organism in the restoration, we must restore the normal functioning of the entire organism. In this case, the control point is the pituitary gland - this understanding of the control process through the area of the endocrine glands is necessarily in the area of eternity.

SCHEME: Recovery of the stomach through the endocrine part of the pancreas.

The control refinement is as follows: instead of the number row “the organism is as one whole” (419 312 819 212), you can put another row of some kind of gland, which is located close to the matter requiring urgent restoration, and a number of the necessary restored matter. That is, we insert two numerical series according to the principle:

"Successive concentration on the numbers corresponding to the endocrine glands -

889 314 219 798,

and on the numbers of organs in the area of which the endocrine glands are located".



Pituitary and epiphysis - 214 318 908 210

Pituitary - 317 218 219 819

Pineal body (Pineal gland) - 489 641 399 042

Thyroid and parathyroid glands - 219 318 219 471

Thyroid gland - 829 319 409 819

Parathyroid glands - 219 319 895 219

Thymus gland - 481 914 319 814

Adrenal gland - 891 418 712 319

Endocrine part of the pancreas - 918 712 818 229

Endocrine part of the gonads - 519 318 914 019

Regulation of endocrine glands - 519 317 219 416

Each conductor has his own interpretation of a musical creation, so we go to the conservatory to listen to the same creation, which sounds different for different conductors. So in choosing controls, everyone is guided by their own understanding, having an original score/recording of music, that is, having direct recommendations to control.

The use of information from the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi should lead to mandatory restoration, just as photosynthesis is inevitable when any plant is illuminated by the sun.

Sincere faith leads to healing.



The pituitary gland is a gland of internal secretion that regulates the activity of many other endocrine glands (and, accordingly, human organs).

Any change in matter during its restoration occurs faster if you use the numerical series of regulation of the endocrine glands:
519 317 219 416

The hypothalamus is located under the entire brain at the base of the skull. It is the hypothalamus that ensures the main vital functions of the organism, so Leonardo da Vinci assumed that he had found the key to the perfection of man.

The first thing that "strikes" the eye is the striking resemblance of modern snapshots to Leonardo's schemes. Now we can venture to assume that this is the area of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and epiphysis. The area is located at the very base of the brain, has no clear boundaries and is really closely connected with all the organs that allow a person to adapt to the environment.

August 21, 2023

melody, method, a concentration, light, sphere, control, eternity, g.p. grabovoi, number series, organs

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