Safe space in the war zone according to the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi

Sep 28, 2022 00:40

Technology of survival for warriors.

The technology was given by the Author of the Teaching. You can see the full text of the message here:

There is no possibility to transfer this technology widely, as if, in the physical level, but there is an opportunity to transfer the technology in the joint level of spiritual control. I believe that people will be able to take this information, that is, who is in a positive level. Those who are on the dark side now will simply not be able to take what people will transmit in optics.


"To protect yourself and people who are in the war zone, it is recommended to use the technologies of control forecasting and control clairvoyance more often.

Viewing the events of the future should be carried out in time intervals: hour - 24 hours - infinity. That is, in one impulse of control clairvoyance or control forecasting by time intervals: hour - 24 hours - infinity, it is necessary to determine a safe space and location for the physical body.

The main goal is to save and preserve life."

That is, the body perceives the glow of future events as a structure for connecting the future and action.

A fragment from a lecture by Grigori Grabovoi can help to indirectly understand the technology of saving LIFE in a war zone. The lecture was given immediately after the terrorist attack in Beslan, that is, on September 15, 2004: "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The System of Prevention of Terrorism".
The fragment of the lecture itself is also a method of survival, but it, as if, sheds light on the technology of "hour-24 hours-infinity".

The text from the lecture by Grigori Grabovoi

"... here we have, first of all, this is normalization by light. Well, who has time to see this light, yes?.. of the future norm, that, in fact, it turns out that a person survives, that is, he has time, as if, do self-capture of this information.

And he (a person) has it (light), as if, of the higher structure of events - that's exactly the layer of control - occurring, for example, on the material level. That is, the body perceives the glow of future events as a structure for connecting the future and action. Then it turns out that the human body, as well as in the zone of events, yes?.. it means, well, optimal, normal, that means the body, the Soul have one glow.

That is the next object, yes?.. well, as a property of this kind of raft, so, when we have the property of development - the same type: God gives the same control to everyone. When a person acts in the same way as, for example, say, a carrier, yes?.. of information, then the carrier of information displays (transfers), as if, to the background level.

And then there are objects of nature there, for example, an untouched tree, yes?.. outside the zone of conflict, - that is, this background glow, it begins, as if, to prevail: that is, moreover, the greater the concentration of collective consciousness, the greater the effect comes out.

That is, there is still the ability to find the structure of external control - who helps? and where? - that is, to recognize a signal where there is a structure of real help, and so on.

And it turns out that, in order to systematically move to ensure that in all cases of such a macro-property - this is not necessarily a terrorist attack, if it is in relation, for example, to a person - there are situations even more specific there, that here is the persecution of the individual, for example, yes?.. and so on.

Then it turns out that if, for example, there is a person saving a nuclear power plant from an explosion, yes?.. then it turns out that here, of course, if, for example, a terrorist attack is planned, this person is the object of persecution.

How can he then survive and save this nuclear power plant?
It turns out that he must in any case understand that his inner resource, yes?.. inner strength, spiritual action, is higher than, for example, the action of a terrorist group".

G.P. Grabovoi: "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The system of prevention of terrorism", September 15, 2004:

Sistema predotvrashhenija terrorizmai (Russian Edition): Grabovoi, Grigori: 9781497380523: Books

Sistema predotvrashhenija terrorizmai (Russian Edition) [Grabovoi, Grigori] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sistema predotvrashhenija terrorizmai (Russian Edition)

Antonina Kravtsova.

technology, clairvoyance, the teachings of grigori grabovoi, salvation, control, g.p. grabovoi

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