FORECAST CONTROL. Provisions, theses and technology of "hedgehog"

Aug 17, 2022 09:01

Technologies of salvation by G.P. Grabovoi.

“The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi”

§ Methods and technologies of forecast control based on the system of salvation from global catastrophes.

The following technology is based on the same provisions and theses that were shown for the forecast control. That is, we remember how the forecast control is built or organized.

The second technology of forecast control on the system of salvation from global catastrophes is shown by Grigori Grabovoi in the book as follows:  
"Method two. You consider the past as a system of vertical as if volumes, pins, so to speak, which, for example, enter the Earth from different places, from different sides; and the Earth looks like some kind of hedgehog with these needles. And now you, with the fastest possible, with an instantaneous level of speed, fall into one of the pins and so that you can immediately see the whole Earth, all the ongoing processes in the past, as well as in the future. That is the entrance to the future through the past. You also get instant control with the absence of a global catastrophe, because there was no such catastrophe in the past".

The Earth looks like some kind of hedgehog with these needles.

At one time, an artist named Helen sent a video of vineyards in Germany, where each vine is supported by pins (pegs). This is similar to what is described in the technology.
What does this mean?
It is necessary to find that, as if, “needle”, that pin, which you need to instantly enter in order to see past and future processes. And at this moment we get control with the absence of a global catastrophe. Again, we do not fixate the possible use of nuclear weapons, because this information has not been revealed, we do not have such information.
And what do we get?  
During a quick look into the future, we see that the peace TREATY on the peaceful resolution of any conflicts has been signed by all countries, so there is no global catastrophe. These events are connected, we understand that.

The goal of forecast control

The signing of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World.

Grigori Grabovoi “The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi”. §3.2. FORECAST CONTROL.
§ Provisions and theses

The provisions are as follows: the forecast control is carried out through the complex of your entire personality, i.e. through all the information of your personality.

The second provision is that you have forecast control, so you are building an object of control inside your Consciousness; and at the same time, the forecast part contains an object in the form of an already reflected part of this Consciousness on the goal of control.

The third provision means that when we talk about control, the forecast control based on the system of salvation from a global catastrophe: here, first of all, is the NON-FIXING of any data that is not yet available from the point of view of a global catastrophe. That is, this position includes a tool, which means the absence of elements of objectification of negative data.

The provision of forecast control also includes - this is in the form of the fourth point - that any forecast control is carried out as a macro-creative system, that is, creative for everyone.

The theses of forecast control.

The first thesis: we have an endless amount of information to get always - precise control.

The second thesis is if control is carried out as a macro regulating system in a creative sense, the particular control will always be done, that is, what you need.

The third thesis: you can have those principles of Eternity in the control, which are realized as the system reproduction of yourself.

The fourth thesis: you can have such control that allows you to get the maximum amount of information from the minimum amount of data.

The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi: Grabovoi, Grigori: 9781511534949: Books

The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi [Grabovoi, Grigori] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi

Antonina Kravtsova.

past events, treaty, macro-salvación, world, future, adapt controls, g.p. grabovoi

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