Aug 08, 2022 14:50

Technologies of salvation by G.P. Grabovoi adapted to specific goals.

All controls are made in the flow (in space) of eternity, which can be created, for example, by a number series - 8979489 (G.P. Grabovoi, July 10, 2022), or in ways already known to you.

G.P. Grabovoi: "Accordingly, when you master specific sections of my Teachings, always try to find a generalized, that is, the unified format of the Spirit development. After all, my Teachings is essentially the development of your Spirit, it is that status of your Soul when all of you are always saved. Therefore, you will take this Teachings exactly from this position, when you are always saved, and your level of development is spread to all eternal times".

Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi "The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi", 2001. §3.1.1. Healthcare on the system of salvation from possible global catastrophes.

"The next method is the control based on the principle of transformation of reality: it is that transformation of reality when you see actually that reality so, that it is always creative. You have such a level of reality that gives general creative processes at all levels of development. That is to say, it is necessary to perceive reality this way."

"…you see actually that reality so, that it is always creative".

It turns out that a person adjusts his perception in such a way, that is, he transforms reality in such a way that he sees the implementation of the tasks set in the transformed reality:

1. The signing of the Treaty on the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts by All Countries of the World.
2. PREVENTION of the possible global world catastrophe; first of all, to prevent any nuclear catastrophe.

In this case, we transform our perception in such a way, as if, we press some button inside ourselves, that we (our Soul, Spirit and Consciousness) begin to see, as if, another reality, a positive reality in which all tasks have been completed. But this reality needs to be extended to the whole world so that other people also have this perception of reality.

The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi. Author’s seminar given on May 17 and May 28, 2001.

8979489 is "The next number series for salvation, for harmonization, for ensuring eternal life to all". G.P. Grabovoi, July 10, 2022.

§ Methods and technologies.

Grigori Grabovoi: "Technologies that are built on your Consciousness are always creative, and in this regard, you can distribute them unlimitedly."

The technology was explained by Antonina Kravtsova.

the teachings of grigori grabovoi, control, nuclear weapons, g.p. grabovoi, transformation, creation, perception, development, macro-salvación

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