Preventing a possible global world catastrophe

Mar 14, 2022 13:08

  • GRABOVOI®.Newsletter
Preventing a possible global world catastrophe

Hello, <>!

In connection with the current situation - the war in Ukraine and tense geopolitical events in the world, the Author of the "Teaching on Salvation and Harmonious Development" - Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi, recommends to implement a common CONTROL to unite the countries of the world.

The wording of paragraph 10: -  "Basic provisions of the Program of the Political Party DRUGG of the Russian Federation"

The goal of CONTROL is the signing by all countries of the world of the Treaty on the Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts.

Separately, it is necessary to carry out actions to prevent a possible global world catastrophe and, first of all, to prevent the use of nuclear weapons.

To protect yourself and people who are in the war zone, it is recommended to use the technologies of control forecasting and control clairvoyance more often.

Viewing the events of the future should be carried out in time intervals: hour - 24 hours - infinity. That is, in one impulse of control clairvoyance or control forecasting by time intervals: hour - 24 hours - infinity, it is necessary to determine a safe space and location for the physical body.

The main goal is to save and preserve life.

We recommend you to read and use the materials of the sites: ;
self-defense legal

Sincerely, Evstafiev Sergey


There are a lot of technologies in the Teaching, everyone can select some method or technology that he has practiced. I will give examples.

1. There is, in the texts of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi, a lecture dated October 16, 2004, in which one can find a solution to a crisis situation:

"The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Correction of crisis situations".

The fragment of the text is quite large, but the crisis situation is such that it is necessary to understand it and find a solution.

"So, the difference of man is that he is just all the time in the dynamics of action, yes?.. of the development of physical body into infinity, yes?.. But at the same time, the capture system is the same in control. And so, here you just should get closer to the God's technology, i.e. or, generally speaking, it is better to do exactly in the way God does. That is, it is possible to approach in every way: to do exactly, it is necessary, that the static and dynamic value to be the same in your perception, and this is very distant Light. It is again the Light of God, where God gives you true knowledge, but gives at once completely to you.

And when you begin to realize it - that it is given completely to your personality, physical body, all events, even your events - when you begin to realize it, you get out of a crisis. That is, here the output itself is the characteristic, that you begin to perceive the external control flow, which is as if external, yes?.. some crisis situation compresses you: actually, this is the answer, the solution, which is in a denser mass of information. So, the solution is a lighter system, isn’t it?.. it is less dense. And it has the functions of density at an approximate level, that is, when you perceive it nearby you, it is a dense quantity, it is a rarified value at a distance.

Also, to understand generally, what kind of optics solves the problem of crisis, it is just needed to look at the magnitude of a possible crisis and also differentiate here, how I said: if some signal is closer in the dense phase, which means that in the sparse phase it is further from one point - this is the point of solving the crisis. And, generally speaking, it is an elementary action in the diagnostic plane. You should transfer this point into the nodal part of the crisis, just to find exactly the system there: if there are people, then specifically what people? Where?

And try to direct the point onto control for them, i.e. by attaching the system of events, and, it means, to give control, so that a person could see, how, in general, he can solve his own problems in this situation.

And, as a rule, when you pass such a structure of knowledge, then crisis is disbanded, because if we are talking about a person, then he has seen it, hasn’t he?.. and, somehow helped you, or you moved to a common point of view. In respect to some event, then in this case there is a normalization of the structure of events. In this case, the normalization can be very specific, well, as if the next snap, which instantly stands on the place, where there has just been a problem. Well, i.e. the change of reality occurs almost instantly with very large arrays".


The lecture itself was built by the Author of the Teachings in such a way that when listening to a lecture (or reading) one can continuously solve own problems using the technologies given in the text. Now, for those who have access to PRK-1U, this can be done by working on the lenses of the device and understanding what you are doing.

You can see the change of reality and imagine how to do it in the description of the technology in the video: "Jumping the frame up and down. Technology of salvation by G.P. Grabovoi"

image Click to view

2. Option of Control - FORECAST for January 2003 by G.P. Grabovoi:

"it is necessary that <…> there should not be an explosion, even if it is a provocative character.

To prevent this,
it is necessary to concentrate the consciousness in the indicated place and make it so that the considered space in the infinity of events is pure and free from any explosions. In general, against explosions, consciousness must be oriented towards infinity."


Material used:

"The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Correction of crisis situations", October 16, 2004 -

Antonina Kravtsova

method, eternal life, god, g.p. grabovoi, possible global catastrophe, political party, technology, reality, forecast, task, clairvoyance, salvation, macrocontrol

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