Continuation of work with two spheres from the Organizing Spirit can be found in the answers of Grigori Grabovoi based on the materials of the lecture, that is, in the lecture of 23.08.2001. We are talking about those controls that a person needs constantly - this is work with emerging memories during the day.
It is necessary to make control from the Organizing Spirit/
So, first there is a fragment of the text of the lecture: a question and an answer by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi.
Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi "Technology for transferring control by thinking to control by spiritual perception", August 23, 2001
"Question: so, the next such question is the principle of the technology of vision, the methods of obtaining clairvoyance.
Answer of Grabovoi G.P. is: Well, the fact is that vision, if, so to speak, yes?.. then you see in any case. There is another question: how to create images in such a way that they are controlling. And so, therefore, what is the concept of vision? I would rather answer here - how to create, for example, this vision in such a way that it is controlling? That is, one can simply get an image, and in general, and it will be somewhere static, or go somewhere in the control space to the side.
From the point of view of the two spheres I named in the lecture, here is the control, for example, the principle, for example, yes?..
of the technology of vision from the point of view of the control of the image, lies in the fact that, if possible, to deepen the image inside the first sphere, closer to the center, so to speak. And then the vision - that is, what you see, for example, yes?.. - is normalized by your tasks. That is, as if, the range of tasks is, well, those frames that are indicated in space by two spheres. And the closer to the center you move this system, the more accurately you get the fulfillment of your tasks, even, it would seem, according to some elements of the vision completely arbitrary. That is, in perception, some elements, let's say, memories of a dream appeared - then one can introduce them there, into this sphere; or something just popped up in memory, - one can again try to move towards the center.
Please note that when you will move to the center of these two spheres, the elements of the vision will begin to spread somewhere, as I said, they often begin, as if, to disband, these spheres. It's just normal. Simply, it means that it is necessary to move not directly along, for example, the radius, yes?.. but somehow, in a bypass (other) way, try to move it to the center anyway. As soon as you move forward, you can solve some completely different tasks, but do the goal control that you initially need.
That is, you can, for example, under such a system, output some things that you do at work, suppose you develop, let’s say, computer programs there, write something - and you get a vision in optics these images. It is easier to keep these images in the center of these two spheres. Then what is the goal of your control will be more implemented than if these images are blurred somewhere and are in different places.
Gradually, in general, when you will already learn how to bring, as if, any element of perception to the center of this sphere, you will see that this element will be worked out, and you can just continue to work with the next one. The worked out element indicates that it will not necessarily be used always exactly, so to speak, unambiguously, exactly on the forehead, so to speak. It’s just that a worked element indicates that you know this technology and often it’s not necessary to use it that way. It’s just important to work out the technology according to its logical meaning for development according to the system of salvation."
It’s just important to work out the technology according to its logical meaning for development according to the system of salvation.
Practical application of the material of Grigori Grabovoi from the lecture on the Structuring of Consciousness “Technology for transferring control by thinking to control by spiritual perception”
The canonical Author's text allows you to perceive the Knowledge in the form that Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi himself gives, because it is in his text that you can find the multidimensionality of Knowledge, which he gives through the right words and the construction of words in a sentence.
Grigori Grabovoi: “The Organizing Spirit is what organizes reality from the point of view of your logical tasks.”
We can immediately consider the author's explanation of the technology we are considering. Please note that fragments of the text are in different parts of the lecture.
Realization of the conceived reality by the level of Soul and Spirit. (This is from the part - "Explanation in the main lecture")
Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi: "And when you put, for example, a position of control, then the very position of control means the realization of the reality that you want, in the center of this large sphere; there is still a small sphere inside, as I said. And it is in the center of these spheres that realization takes place. And you can, through the logic of the Soul - the logic of the Soul, pay attention - to control the processes in the center of this sphere. That is, the principle, by the way, is also very simple technologically, however, here the level of the Soul, the Spirit is already used, including a certain level of the mental plane that you see with the Soul. The logic of control of the Soul arises, but this is not thinking. That is, as you think there, it happens - instantly.
Thinking in this case is different in that you first need to create a thought, then the thought is realized, then it enters the information levels, and only then the implementation occurs, yes?.. If you put the thought into the control system correctly, you get either quickly or there is a longer implementation, if you, for example, slowed down the speed in the movement of thought.
In this case, there is control by the Soul. This is a specific control under which you can heal, for example, well, including at any distance, of course, in any place, control any event; but at the same time, the work of the Soul takes place - it differs in that there is a different temperature in perception".
The logic of control of the Soul arises, but this is not thinking. That is, as you think there, it happens - instantly.
And then we will adapt the knowledge gained to pop-up images in perception, to dreams, to some events in dreams, or in general to any tasks that the Author speaks about.
Dreams and flashing images of the past.
The long-term practice of using this technology is that it is desirable to quickly learn how to build 2 spheres by the Organizing Spirit. Often the solution depends on the speed of building spheres. If in the control context the Spirit is in the outer space from this 2-meter sphere, then we can easily immediately find (create) in front of us (slightly to the right) these 2 spheres with a radius of 50 cm and 1 m. We remember exactly that between the spheres there are tasks of the entire external reality on systemic harmonious development.
That's it, the tool is created.
It is desirable to quickly learn how to build 2 spheres by the Organizing Spirit.
And the goal of control is already there. We do not need to formulate it, it itself, as if, swam into the space of our perception, arose in the form of some kind of image. It could be some memory from the past.
It could be some memory from the past.
It could be a dream. In the morning you opened your eyes and immediately remembered the dream. The dream is worked out immediately, in the first moments, because everyone knows that then it just floats away (disappears). If the dream didn’t float away, it means that you can work it out later, but there is no guarantee that we will remember it.
The dream is worked out immediately, in the first moments.
So, we begin to introduce information into the center of two spheres, namely into the center. We enter not in a straight line, but along some kind of trajectory that allows us to bring information to the center. Further: it's quite simple - we illuminate the information, we bring the light to the border with the second sphere and... that's it! The spheres dissolve into space. They may begin to dissolve even earlier.
Controlling clairvoyance is applied right here, in the center. There may be unfavorable moments in the event, which must be immediately changed to harmonious development. That is, we see in the center of the 2 spheres an event that has arisen in perception already such that it harmoniously develops into eternity.
We see in the center of the 2 spheres an event that has arisen in perception already such that it harmoniously develops into eternity. We look at the development of dream ourselves, we ourselves create a harmonious event.
This is what happens with the information of dream: we look at the development of dream ourselves, we ourselves create a harmonious event, if some good option does not come in perception. By the way, this can coincide - that is, representation and development.
During the day, a person may have some images in his perception. It is desirable to work out these images using the proposed technology.
You are gradually building what you have planned, but you are constantly building yourself.
The control lasts very little time. At first, there may be many images, then there will be fewer and fewer of them. Since the implementation of the planned reality takes place in the center of the spheres, it means that you are gradually building what you have planned, but you are constantly building yourself.
Why is it not necessary to formulate the goal of control? Because, Grigori Grabovoi says: “the level of Soul, Spirit is already used here”. You have a level of controlling clairvoyance.
Solving many tasks according to the systemic harmonious development
It is this technology - one of many - that helps to develop the vision when used to solve both private tasks and tasks on the salvation of all.
If we introduce many of our tasks into a small sphere, as we have already considered, some specific image may arise in these tasks; then this image should also be moved to the center. If necessary, you can change something in the event, from the information of which, as if, the image emerged.
Salvation from probable global catastrophe and system harmonious development. We keep the task in the center of the spheres so that it does not disappear. Spirit and Soul work.
It is this technology - one of many - that helps to develop the vision when used to solve both private tasks and tasks on the salvation of all.
January 19, 2022
Antonina Kravtsova
Used materials:
Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi "Technology for transferring control by thinking to control by spiritual perception", August 23, 2001
Tehnologija Perevoda Upravlenija Myshleniem K Upravleniju Duhovnym Vosprijatiem (Russian Edition)