Oct 25, 2010 02:01
Can't concentrate... I've done intro and first point... that's like what...? 1200?
I need to write 1800 more by 7am FML... plus referencing plus bibliography plus printing...
"You shall get your pineapple bun when you're not expecting it~"
Yeah, right, Mister C... I believe you. You mean bastard D:<
To say really inappropriate things when inside a household full of children is pure LOLARITY!!! <3
Really need to de-fat...
It was maccas, ichiban, meatballs, charcoal chicken, charcoal chicken, pad thai, maccas, hungry jack's, barbecue, steak, hungry jack's and hungry jack's... just this week alone...
I'm scared that if I sleep I might die of a heart attack while I'm unconscious...
And I never got to see your face this weekend... :( and Dad's... :(
That will be my biggest regret if I die tonight, I think...
2pm, 2ne1, Loveholic, SJ, SNSD, Clazziquai, DBSK, and 8eight :: my friends during these times of overdue essay-writing... :)
Mister C :: 5 hours and counting!