Well hello my old (and new) loves!

Mar 09, 2011 23:41

About You
Name: Alli.
Age: 24.
Location: Chandler, AZ. I'm hoping in a month (or less) I can say South Burlington, VT! Total New England girl at heart.
Old or current member of bb_? Old.
Five things you like: Positive people, New England, outdoor fun (jet skiing, hiking, quading, snowmobiling), cartoons, the beach.
Five things that suck: Cheap beer, party poopers, moving, NASCAR, die-hard conservatives.
Describe yourself in three words: Perfectionist, considerate, hungry.

About BB_
When did you join BB_? I honestly am just horrible with dates...I believe I joined in early 08.
Have you left? If so, when? Yes, I left in early/mid 09.
What about BB_ has affected you most? I loved having female friends that weren't catty or bitchy, that would give me real advice. I don't have a whole bunch of female friends, and it was nice to be able to vent without being judged.

About Now
How are you feeling today? I feel fabulous. Though I'm usually in bed by 10 (yes, I'm already old) and it's already almost 11:30. Odd.
How is your health? It's actually been fabulous lately, aside from my horrid allergies. Damn Arizona citrus tree blossoms!
What's going on with your work/school lately? At the moment I'm not working. Jared and I are in the midst of moving to VT, but up until a month ago I worked at a desk job that I hated. I can't wait for a fresh start in Vermont!

How about friends, lovers and family?

That is my lover, Jared. He and I have been dating for over 2 years, we've been engaged since November and he is the love of my life. I don't know what I would do without him.

All of the family is fabulous. When I left CT and moved to Arizona, I had a really hard time leaving them behind. My brother and sister are both in college already! I can't believe how the time flies.

Vanessa and I are still best friends, Alicia and I are once again best friends, and I've had the pleasure of getting to know nonversations. She's awesome.

Anything else you want to update us on? Well, one really cool thing. nicnogsaysmarp and were roommates in Providence in 2009, right before I moved to Arizona. I love her dearly.

Picture Time!
Post a photo of yourself - or a few!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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