(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 00:11

Hey you guys

It's been the longest time since ive last updated. I dont want to say that i didnt have much time but most of the time.... I really didnt. Im back at Irvine and it sucks ass. Most of my classes are pretty satisfying except of course the ones that actually suck donkey balls. Well... not donkey balls because those actually taste good. You know what I'm talking about if you've been to Hawai'i. But anyway... The classes that i know i will struggle and have the most difficulty in is of course Calculus and Chemistry. The "review" were supposed to be having for chemistry is not review at all but to me is all new information. I have never even seen any of the stuff were reviewing. Calculus so far has been okay until we got to section 2.1. What the hell is instantansous rate and crap. Hell if I know what the ehck hes talking about. I just hope to pass this quarter with B's and C's in ONLY calc and chemistry. The three other classes im taking better be A's or B's uz if they arent... oh man... its bye bye to med school for me. Anyway... im doing pretty well so far. I love my bio class and im thinking that my Asian American & Pop Culture class is going to really fun. Writing is just going to be a bitch but what can you do. Even though they are anal at grading its better than doing formulas and knowing what the name if C2H3O2 and the formula for formaldahyde is and what not. Oh well... this is just a break since i havent updated in a month give or take 1 or 2 weeks. Its time for Calculus homework...

goodnight chickies


P.S.- if anyone knows how to cut entries and do that stuff that Katrina does... can you please tell me. Or Katrina... if you read this... please tell me how to do it so i can figure out how to work this LJ. haha thanks
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