Dec 19, 2008 20:05
AGH! …I’m watching a Masterpiece Theatre Rendition of Jane Eyre and I’m slightly irritated at how Jane seems to have no real opinion or force on anything. Lots of ‘yes sir’ ‘no sir’ stuff. Then again I haven't finished it yet so I don't know what else happens...
At the same time, I’m getting tired of acting and pretending that I don’t mind things. I was walking the other day and started worrying that I’m becoming voiceless…
…the days of walking around shaking a fist at everything that dares oppose us seem far past. And that makes me sad.
I’ve begun to compare the guys that blast their radios for everyone to hear to how animals show off for potential mates. “Yo baby, check out the killer bass”. Lol.
Back to the movie/book (I have yet to finish the book): I wonder if Rochester is really portrayed so unfeeling and harsh in the book.
This actress rocks however. Her facial features kinda remind me of someone I use to dance with.
....I feel so restless... Pentup emotions don't do well for long...