Aug 31, 2006 19:57
I am praying school is canceled tommorow. if not I am likely to run outside with a metal pole and pray for lighting. School is horrid. all the people who once couldn't get enough of me, now ignore me in the halls. its like I did all that and they cant even look at me. this whole lunch idea is dumb. I mean i walk the halls and then go to the bathroom and pretend to fix my make up for 20 minutes until study hall. i mean where the fuck am i supposed to go. just sit down next to some random girl with fake nails and the newest coach that i saw like 20years ago. The girls here RUN to the mall for the new hollister. I sit and pray for the mall to blow up. weed out these girls I call COACHicks. they all have the same purse and think they run the world. There are like to ppl who actually look interesting. But i still stand out like a soar thumb. Which i dont mind, but its hard.
I dont talk to anyone, and i am already falling behind with a sechdule that in florida would be simple.
Andie is a total wannabe mom. she tells me what to i got sick of it and yelled at her for being insensitive.
Alex was right, its like she isnt even a real person. She doesnt have real feelings. she doesnt know how to love or feel empathy,
my heart races for the idea of having a car and zooming away from this awful place. which is no better or worst then florida. so i guess i dont know where i will run to. Maybe DC, or orlando
and did i mention the bitch carrie is using my dad's money to give HER kids allowence. If my dad only knew...
off to slit my wrists..peace out.!