So today one of Herbert's younger sister had her birthday party. It was PotC themed so you all must be assuming what happened if you read my Halloween post. Yes... Herbert dressed up as Jack Sparrow again... and it was... so... fucking... funny!
I had a great time (there were almost no little kids only the cousins which I also know) and there are, of course, pictures of "Jack Sparrow" under the cut.
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum? (Actual rum in the bottle, Zombie which is made with Bacardi 151.)
He was fighting his sister, that's the one with the birthday.
Apparently he's never seen a parrot before...
Is there anything TO say?
Best. Picture. Ever. -dies laughing-
He better wear this outfit when we're married because... guh... -shudders- Ahem... ignore me. I have a thing for pirates... and vampires... and vampire pirates! >>; Er.
Best part? He was driving my car because we were taking something to his grandmother's... and everybody was looking at him oddly/curiously/dumbfounded/in awe. At one point there were these preteens and they stared at him... he waved and they giggle-fit. Priceless. xD
Oh, he also kept stealing the Dead Man's Chest (coin-bank thing) and running away with it... and all the girls (his two sisters plus the two cousins) would run after him. xDDD
Ahhh... my boyfriend is hilarious. We'll be celebrating our three year anniversary on February 25th.
My 20th birthday's on the 22nd, I feel old.