Sep 11, 2007 22:00
wow! i can't believe it's been 6 years since 9/11! puts a lot on your mind doesn't it? i guess this day brings back painful memories to the ones who have lost a love one. i'm thankful that i was not one of those victims. i don't know what i will be like today, if i was.
i figure lets all just have a moment in peace for this day that hurt this country. the day that began this war our soldiers are fighting right now.
my brother is off fighting in this war and we're keeping him and the other soldiers in our prayers; to come home safely.
well yesterday september 10th was mines and curtis 6th month! i'm so happy that we lasted this long. i know we'll last another 6th months and on. sometimes it feels like forever but i guess that's a good thing. i don't want to rush what i have with him. he's the best boyfriend. well in my eyes. =) he's the perfect guy and he means so much to me. when people hurt him, whether it's physical or mental, they hurt me to. i try my best to be the best girlfriend for him. sometimes i wonder if it's not enough. when i tell him things like this, he surrounds me with comfort. he swears up and down that i'm the best girlfriend in the entire universe. he makes me feel good about myself. when i need someone, he's there to listen. i thank God for him everyday.