I got bored, so i thought I could update by seeing if anyone out there recognised awesome music. Given my definition of awesome the liklyhood of a positive response is unlikely
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I don't see anything particularly hypocritical about saying that you should buy the CD's and support the artists as well as reccomending that people download specific music. You support good music and you recomend that other people do too, and the more exposure that music gets the more people will in all probability buy it if it's good music.
in THEORY yes... however, if you want to actually buy the Human Equation then you'll have to order it over the internet, because the chance of getting it from a store here are like 3%
And yes, I did google that because
a) I'm bored
b) Google is fun
c) I want my name on there!
also, HI!!
...also, I feel filled with shame that I didn't pick that one
...also, HI!!
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