I finally won myself a
Daxin Firesworn at the last Battleground I could possibly do so. It felt pretty good, except I kinda feel bad just stomping people with my Haruka-Thangal-Ojo'mon team.
Anyways, the figure for next month is an
Arakkoa. Friday I'll get a chance at one, I can't wait. I don't know if I want to stay with the HTO, or go with the HHT. Obviously HHT is a stronger team, but it also costs 4 more honor. The best part about Ojo'mon is he can use the great Shaman ABC's, and can bring in his normal attack for a closer. So basically I can move both Shamans on the first turn, drop a totem with each on the second, along with a Starfire with Thangal, go into bear form after the Starfire and taunt attacks, on the third tick whomp out some chain lightnings, then tick 6 I can do Haruka's melee, hopefully kill the character with the melee, crit and flameshock another character, drop either a swipe or pop out of bear and do his magic, depending on the resist of the remaining enemies, and if I need to, come out with a normal Ojo'mon melee to drop whoever is still standing. With Thangal's buff I can pretty much destroy all three opponents by turn 6. Most of the time people are already ticked up to the point that they can't come back into attack range until after tick 10, allowing me to reset the ABC's and start all over again. I have yet to have a match go beyond tick 13 because all I need is 4 kills and 4 VP's, instead of the standard 5 kills +4 with the HHT.
However, with the advent of
BoK, this might bring Pally's into the game more. At first glance it looks kinda silly, but most people don't bring any sort of dispell (or cleanse for that matter, but I digress) which would allow you to really wound out a weak character. Imagine
Vindicator Hodoon with two
Phadalus x2. Even a HHH or HHT would have trouble hurting you once you get some BoK up (Three 4 armor/3 resist characters, absolutely nuts.) About the only team that could take you is a Daxin x2 + healer. With one seemingly innocent card they nerf rush teams and really stress the importance of control.