
Jun 07, 2010 01:43

Title: Prize
Chapter: One
Rating:  M
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Warnings:  A little swearing, mentioning of death and violent actions, bitchy Vulcans
Status: Complete
Summary: Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock beam down to New Vulcan so Spock can marry T’Pring… Only, it doesn’t turn out how Jim had expected. Filled for the st xi kink meme prompt found here.  


When James T. Kirk reopened his eyes he was on New Vulcan. The heat and thin atmosphere hit him immediately and he doubled over, trying to catch his breath.

Beside him, Spock was as calm, poised and emotionless as a Vulcan could be, despite his condition.

As Jim finally adjusted to the atmosphere he noticed they were surrounded by four other Vulcans, and by their appearance, they were elders. In fact, as he caught eyes with one in particular, he smiled.

“Ambassador!” He called out joyfully.

“Captain Kirk, I am pleased to see you old friend, and you Spock. These are Elders Sirik, Tuval and S’Gek. They are here to oversee the marriage ceremony. Unfortunately Ambassador Sarek could not leave negotiations on Earth.”

Spock spoke stiffly, “It is understandable.”

They followed the Elders across the barren desert land towards a large dome-shaped building. As they entered, Jim noticed the lack of décor. In fact, apart from the wooden dividers separating the room into sections, there was no other furniture or decoration.

As they passed by a divider, they were met by a larger procession of Vulcans, this time led by an elderly female. So old, Jim wanted to find her a chair, because surely her bones weren’t strong enough to hold her up. But nevertheless, she walked in their direction and introduced herself.

“I am T’Pau.” She spoke in Standard for Jim’s benefit. “T’Pring is waiting.”

She led them through more dividers into another room, where a beautiful Vulcan woman was waiting. Jim glanced at Spock out of the corner of his eyes. His half-Vulcan First Officer wringed his hands and Jim felt some sympathy for his close friend.

They proceeded towards T’Pring and Jim could practically feel the tension from Spock. Finally, they stopped and as T’Pau made the introductions, Jim carefully laid a hand on his First Officer’s shoulder. Through his touch he tried to convey a sense of friendship, a gentle happiness and support.

“We are now in procession to complete the koon-ut-kal-if-fee. T’Pring do you accept Spock or do you challenge?”

The beautiful, yet stoic looking Vulcan did not hesitate. She stated loud and clear, “I challenge.”

Although nothing was said, no gasps rang out and no one moved, Jim felt vibes of shock echo through the room.

T’Pau spoke first, “Then the kal-if-fee shall commence. You may choose your defender.”

T’Pring surveyed the Vulcans in the room, even glancing once at Jim.

“I chose Stonn, who I intend to marry.”

Jim glanced at Stonn, who had stepped forward. He was large for a Vulcan, broad shouldered and tall. He looked particularly mean.

Jim turned to face Spock.

“Uh, so what’s going to happen now?”

Spock spoke in a clipped tone, “I must fight Stonn to the death.”

Jim swallowed harshly and grabbed his First by crook of his arm.

“What? Can’t you just get married? I don’t want you to fight.”

Spock stared directly into his eyes and Jim could feel the passionate fire of the Pon Far burning, and turning into Plak Tow.

“I must.”

“Well fuck it!” Jim turned towards T’Pau and the Vulcan Elders, “This is barbaric! You would allow an innocent man to die over some chick!?”

The Vulcans looked down their noses at him and Jim felt anger he’d never felt before.

“You would do well not to question the ways of the Vulcan, Captain. They are far beyond your comprehension.”

Well T’Pring is the biggest bitch I’ve ever met, Jim thought viciously.

T’Pring raised a brow as Jim glared at her.

T’Pau let out a command in Vulcan and Jim watched as the entire procession made a small circle around Spock and Stonn.

He watched worriedly as they faced each other with fierce eyes. And when one pair of those fierce eyes connected with his, he flinched at their ferocity. Staring straight into Stonn’s eyes Jim could see the killer intent. What else he saw was unnameable.

Stonn straightened and addressed T’Pau.

“T’Pau, I do not wish to fight for the right to mate T’Pring.”

Once again, Jim was feeling shock vibes throughout the room. He glanced at T’Pau, then to Stonn and finally to T’Pring. Yeah, she looked pissed. He could see it in the tightening of her mouth and the crease between her brows. That was one bitchy, pissed off Vulcan.

Jim shifted a little closer to Spock Prime, who was at his side.

T’Pau narrowed her eyes, “Then T’Pring must choose another defender.”

Stonn did not move from within the circle and he spoke again.

“I will fight for the right to mate another.”

From Jim’s location, he could see T’Pau blink owlishly and T’Pring’s nostrils flare in anger - or some other repressed emotion.

“I will fight to mate Captain James Kirk of the USS Enterprise.”

Jim’s jaw dropped.

“What the fuck. Are you serious?” Jim asked Stonn.

The Vulcan raised a brow, “Very.”

Then Jim noticed his First Officer. Spock was quite literally shaking in his boots - though certainly not with fear. His arms hung by his sides and his hands were clenched into tight fists.

Jim felt a spike of fear run down his spine and settle throbbing in his gut.

He turned to T’Pau, “Hey… can he even do that?”

The elderly woman was doing fast calculations in her mind. Her thoughts were running wild. Jim could tell because she hadn’t answered him right away.

She turned to Spock before she spoke, “If Spock is willing to defend then the kal-if-fee may proceed.”

Spock stared unblinkingly into Jim’s eyes and he saw it. There was undying devotion and love running further deep than he’d seen any emotion in his First Officer before.

Spock nodded his head solemnly and turned to face his opponent.

“T’Pring,” T’Pau made her way towards the younger Vulcan woman, “I shall break thy bond.”

Within seconds, she’d placed her hands upon the younger Vulcan and broken the bond which bound her to Spock.

T’Pring left as Spock fell to his knees and a deep, echoing growl filled the room. Jim wanted to comfort him. To make those growls of anger and hate turn into growls of pleasure and bliss. Instead he listened silently as T’Pau gave another sharp command and the fight truly began.

He watched in apprehension as the two males circled each other.

Good God, please let Spock win, he prayed to whatever deity would listen.

His chest tightened as both the men were given weapons. They continued to circle each other, occasionally making swiped that the other blocked. Jim thought it was a relatively even fight.

Until Stonn tripped Spock over and started to stab at him with the pointy end of the stick. Spock rolled out of the way and jumped back into an upright position. He sighed with relief and let go of the sleeve he was holding… oh that was Spock Prime’s sleeve, who was also watching the fight intently.

Jim watched as they fought for control of the fight, jabbing and blocking, ducking and kicking. Spock took a hit and his cheek started oozing dark, green blood. He turned his head away as his First Officer was punched repeatedly in the gut.

He turned back when he heard a shout of pain. It was Stonn’s.

He looked for any visible injury and cringed in sympathy as he noticed the Vulcan’s fingers were broken - bent backwards. But he was also excited, Spock was winning.

They grappled and fought viciously. Jim was certain that at one point in time both had a hand in each other’s hair and were pulling; A little too bitch-fighty for Jim’s tastes. But hey, whatever works!

And suddenly, they were caught at an impasse. They’d relocated their weapons and were holding them at the throat of their opponent.

Jim watched the men exchange heated words. He couldn’t hear them, but he was almost certain they were insulting and derogatory. This seemed to fuel an incredibly deep anger in Spock and with a final blow, Stonn was decapitated.

Jim stood shocked.

Spock is not going to die!

With a whooping yell, Jim leapt forward into Spock’s arms. He shook his First Officer by the shoulders, “Don’t you ever try and get married without giving me full details, ever again!”

Spock raised a brow, “Certainly, Captain.”

Jim grinned and Spock led him towards T’Pau.

“S’chn T’gai Spock, you have become the successor of the kal-if-fee. I shall bond thee to thy mate.” T’Pau stated regally.

Jim watched silently as she reached for both his and Spock’s faces.

Wait a sec, he thought, Bond?

His thoughts were answered, Yes Jim, we are now a married couple.

Oh… Well I guess that’s not so bad... He trailed off.


So what did that snarky Vulcan tell you anyway? That made you so angry you cut off his head? Jim thought to Spock.

Jim felt a sliver of apprehension before Spock answered, He called you a human whore and claimed he would break you, like my father should have broken my human mother.

Oh… I’m glad you won Spock, I couldn’t live without you.

Nor I, you.

Mind hugs! Jim imagined himself hugging Spock’s brain and felt the amusement his new bond-mate was experiencing.


Sequel (Alternate version)

kirk/spock, one shot, star trek, fic

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