Which Star Trek Character Are You?

Sep 09, 2010 17:11

So I took this Quiz and these are my results. I'm pretty happy with them... Except the Expendable Red Shirt part... well I guess that's kinda true though =/

You are Chekov Chekov80%Will Riker65%An Expendable Character (Redshirt)65%Mr. Scott55%Jean-Luc Picard55%Beverly Crusher55%Geordi LaForge55%James T. Kirk (Captain)45%Uhura45%Data45%Deanna Troi40%Worf25%Spock22%Leonard McCoy (Bones)20%Mr. Sulu15%Brash, rash and hasty,
but everyone loves you.

Click here to take the "Which startrek character are you?" quiz...

star trek

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