Compulsory reading for men, imo. Go on, it'll only take a couple minutes.
edit: just had to share this comment with you:"I’m sick of hearing about self-defense courses for women. How about self-control classes for men instead ?"
Something that had never occurred to me until now, rather foolishly. Thoughts?
Comments 141
Nice idea but but people who rape were born that way.
(The comment has been removed)
We also live in a society in which words are often used to put men down. In fact, many adverts aimed at women play some sort of lame joke implying men are stupid, incompetent or akin to pets (OK, I'm stretching that last one a little bit).
And second, while there are words used against men, there is no male equivilant for 'slut'. Or 'whore'.
well there are words but just not equal. i.e/"stud", "king" etc
Also, why there is no commonly used male version of "slut", I am hearing "man-whore" used more and more. I somewhat wish there was a male version of "slut", since I could actually make use of it. It really irks me when a guy tends to angle everything he does around whether or not there's likely to be a women he can pull there.
I thinks its gonna take a little more then some banner making :D
The problem arises between right and wrong. The people that attack tend to know its wrong or they would'nt hide or kill the victim afterwards. So that person has made a choice to do wrong to some one else. Can the preditors be rehabilitated afterwards? Its doubtfull so I still think that the persuer will still rape, sex ed classes or not.
And lots of it seems to be because the men concerned felt that pushing a sexual situation was OK, beyond the point where the woman was comfortable. At least two of those men didn't even really think they'd done something wrong - they just felt things had 'got out of hand', despite being clearly told that what was happening was not wanted.That's not being born with innate stupidity or evil, that's growing up in a sexist society that let those men be bastards and never taught them otherwise.
fair point, you know 20 women who have been atacked? Yikes.
I suppose I am biased in some ways. 2 memebers of my family have been sexualy attacked and all of the preditors were oppertunitsts. The victims didnt know there attacker and and were not intoxicated. In fact one family member was out in the middle of the day in summer with her boyfriend and was still sexually assulted (yeah I know not quite rape).
Kendrick does have a point. Attidudes towards sex and sexuality and all of the above in general are still frowned upon. Personally I blame ex-christian society :D (sorry James)
And oh yeah, attitudes towards sex are screwed up. Fucking hell.
Self defense classes for women are pointless. Self defence classes for men are pointless. The best form of "self defense" has nothing to do with fighting someone, and everything to do with running away, attracting attention, and not getting into bad situations in the first place. Once you are, you're screwed.
The basic reason for this is that people who attack other people do this because they are stronger and because they know they are going to win before they start.
Intresting point. Do you think some one is born like that though? Are rapists born rapists?
In any case, it's perfectly possible to use culture/nurture to stop people losing control or over-stepping the bounds.
I suppose the question we should be asking is what makes a rapists? What pieces of the puzzle spell that out.
Oh yeah - I think that article is pretty good actually. Anything that makes people more aware of how their behaviour can be interpreted/misinterpreted (both women and men) can only help the problem, surely.
The point of this is people act according to how they have been taught/ how they have picked up things (ideas or concepts, by which they form their own priciples of morality) through life. A child of racist parents will not definatly grow up to be a racist themselves. If the first things a person geathered early on in their lives is that there is nothing wrong with rape then they are likely to think that.
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