Title: Chocolate Shenanigans
lieutenant_nona Pairings/Character(s): Spock, T'Pring, Sarek/Amanda, T'Pring's Parents
Rating: PG
Word count: 383
Summary: T'Pring and Spock attempt to acquire a Terran food while the adults are talking
Notes: Un-beta'd
Disclaimer: Not mine.
The young boy felt a tug at his sleeve and turned his attention to the girl next to him.
“Spock, what is that object on your counter?”
Spock stood on his tip toes to see what she was enquiring about. On the counter sat a Terran confection wrapped in artificial paper. His mother was the only one in the household who ate it regularly, though he knew is father to partake of it on rare occasions.
“It is a dessert from Earth, called ‘chocolate’; it is one of mother’s favored dishes.”
T’Pring blinked contemplatively, her eyes darting from the chocolate, to Lady Amanda, to Spock, and back to the chocolate.
“Have you ever tried this Terran treat Spock?”
He shook his head, his expression becoming serious, “I am not allowed to.”
“Why not?”
“I am told it has certain properties that react negatively with Vulcan physiology.”
She stared at him assessing, before lowering her voice, “I have heard of other Vulcan’s partaking in this chocolate before. Any negative effects must be minimal at most.
“For the sake of scientific experimentation, I submit that we try this chocolate.”
“. . .I find your conclusion to be a logical one.”
With that, Spock stretched up on his toes and reached for the chocolate. But as he finally grabbed it his mother’s voice rang out, “Spock, T’Pring, put the chocolate back and please come have a seat with us.”
“Yes mother,” he placed the candy back on the counter and didn’t notice T’Pring’s raised eyebrows, or those of her parents until they’d sat at the table.
T’Mer -T’Pring’s mother- shared an inquisitive glance with her husband A’Nokk before turning her attention back to their hosts. “Lady Amanda, may I enquire as to how you were aware of their actions? Your back was turned to them, and none of us were paying attention to their explorations.”
Amanda Grayson blinked confusedly for a moment. “Oh! Well, it’s common among most Terran mothers to develop a sort of psionic ability to sense when their child is doing something they’re not supposed to after the child begins walking and exploring on their own.”
Sarek nodded along with his wife’s logical explanation as T’Mer,
A’Nokk, T'Mer, and T’Pring stared openly at the human woman.
T’Pring glanced at her future bond mate. “Facinating.”