Title: The Intimacy of Signs
lieutenant_nona lieutenant_nona Pairings: Sarek/Amanda
Rating: PG
Word count: 236
Summary: Sarek discovers a new form of communication with Amanda.
Notes: Un-beta'd.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Brown eyes stared fixatedly at the lithe hands as the moved along with the words his companion spoke. Sarek’s eyes snapped up to the woman’s face, as her hands stopped moving gripped around her coffee cup to take a sip. His eyebrows drew together as he contemplated her before asking, “Amanda, may I ask a personal query?”
Amanda set her cup down with a beatific smile, laughing. “Oh, it’s called American Sign Language; it’s a form of communication for the hearing impaired. Since they can’t hear, they communicate through hand signs. I took a couple classes for it during college so I could fill the required units to switch to the college I wanted to go to. Sometimes I slip into using signs when I talk.”
Sarek stared fixated on her hands as she explained. “. . .An entire language spoken though hand symbols. . .
“Amanda, would you teach me?”
She stared at him for a moment, taking in the slightly greener tint to the tips of his pointed ears, and his cheeks. She giggled softly as she nodded.
“May I ask why?”
He cleared his thought, and reined his reaction back under control.
“I believe it would be fascinating to learn and as we would both understand the language we could communicate in a more intimate and private fashion.”
She smiled beamingly at him, a light blush covering her own cheeks. “I’d like that.”