Title: Soak it in Sugar
lieutenant_nona Pairing: Scotty/Chekov, mentioned in passing, with added McCoy.
Rating: PG
Word count: 209
Notes: Un-beta'd, and I try to write in character's accents if they have them.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Dr. McCoy scowled at the results on the tricorder before sighing. “Well, mister Chekov, it looks like you have Space Chicken Pocks.”
Chekov blinked at him confusedly as his fingers twitched desperate to scratch at the blotches dotting his skin, but the glare aimed at his hands from the grumpy doctor stopped him as his hand started to move toward his leg. “Space Chicken Pocks? But doktor I have had ze Chicken Pocks before-“
“Yea, well, this is Space Chicken Pocks so it doesn’t count. Just, make sure not to scratch at yourself, use the salve I gave you to sooth the itching, and take long soaks in the tub with sugar.”
“. . .sugar?”
“Yes, sugar. One of the remedies for Space Chicken Pocks is soaking in sugar water. Studies show it helps the sores shrink and heal. And don’t forget: do not scratch.”
Chekov nodded earnestly, resolutely keeping his hands at his side, he’d get Scotty to help him rub the salve in later. Apparently the engineer had already had the disease and thankfully could still be in the same room without risking infection.
With one last thank you the young navigator hopped off the bio-bed and headed back to his rooms, fingers twitching at his side.