San Francisco part 2

Apr 10, 2007 15:35

During the first night, a couple of college-age fellows moved into the coach across from us. In the morning, I awoke to a foul, earthy smell. Imagine a powerful combination body odor, cannabis, socks, obseity and stale bong water all at once. I just could not believe how bad it was. Thankfully, Marissa could not smell this from her elevated position on top bunk. The smell faded into the background and later our co-passengers chatted with our cabin steward, a medium-height black woman in her 40's. One of the passengers was something of an Amtrak fan, who by his own admission bought official t-shirts and mugs on eBay. They got into talking about tedius shop while the rest of the passengers tried to get her attention. I would have loved it if she'd mentioned to our co-passengers the presence of showers on the train.

We left the train at Emeryville in the Bay Area for a bus across the Golden Gate. After some baggage confusion, M and I boarded the bus and took up some chairs in the back. A young guy a few seats ahead of us was going a little stir-crazy due to the delays and was taking out his overflowing punk-rok energy in figeting, constant complaining, and low-grade vandalism. The bus was in kinda shoddy shape; a piece of my seat popped out and bruised the back of my leg. After some more odd delays, we were underway.

Crossing the Golden Gate was as fun as always. What a great bridge and a great vista. The city was nice and shiny in the distance and the water was blue.

Our route into the city was pretty crazy, with a lot of lurching speedups and slowdowns and at least one u-turn. Finally, we were plopped onto the street with our luggage. Finding the hotel was a little bit of a to-do but eventually, we were outside the York.