Her article:
http://www.slate.com/id/2126249/nav/tap1/ My email:
Dear Emily -
I recently read your article on slate.com entitled, "Why I Killed my Cat," and I must say, I was appalled by your attitude. Having worked in animal shelter, I know that sometimes behavorial problems cannot be solved and that death is, unfortunately, the only solution.
Even when euthanasia is the only path to take, it still breaks my heart. I believe that you did everything you could to keep Goldie in your home and make him happy; I do not believe you did everything in your power to give Goldie a happy home. You don't consider animals to be people? Fine, but something that IS undeniable is that animals are sentient beings.
When you bring an animal into your home, you sign an unwritten contract that you will do everything in your power to protect, love, and care for that animal. You failed Goldie then, and you still are. Euthanizing an animal is only a loving act when it's the last option. In this case, it wasn't the last option.
Almost all animal shelters have foster care programs. Animals that need special attention or care do not stay at the shelter will the rest of the animals. They are taken into people's homes and nurtured and cared for. Had you explained the situation to the workers at the animal shelter, Goldie most likely would have been placed in such a program. Sure, it would be a change, but he would live in a quiet house, without other animals OR being confined.
You write in your article that Goldie hated other animals; yet YOU had other animals in the house with you. Perhaps the answer would have been as simple as finding a home for him where he was the only cat. I understand that Goldie could not live with you any longer, but you denied him the possibility of being happy with another family. Sure, it's possible that he would have been unhappy there and he would be euthanized eventually. But you didn't give your animal every possible opportunity for happiness.
However, that's not what I find truly appalling about your piece. What disgusts me is your glib attitude towards the whole situation. I do not believe you when you say that you regret that you couldn't make Goldie happy, because everything in your tone screams that you're just happy to be rid of your problem animal.
To end your piece with, "I'd even say since Goldie demise [your pets] have been on their very best behavior," scares me. Even when euthanasia is the only option, a person should feel sorrow and remorse. I don't think it's insane to say that i am experiencing more sadness for Goldie's death than you did.
I really hope you don't raise your children with such a cavalier attitude towards life and animals.