1). I have a new job. I'm a writer's assistant. To protect my identity, I won't say who I work for, but she's published multiple books internationally, so it's kind of a really good job to have lol. I don't exactly understand how this happened. For reasons I don't get, she seems to like me ( she increased my pay within the first 5 days of working for her o.O) and thinks I'm incredibly helpful to her process. Objectively I know that that's true; I am doing something for her, but it's still so unfamiliar to me. I feel like I went to sleep one night and woke up a Mary Sue, like my career magically transformed into the career path you see in Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead or an equally realistic movie. Logically I know that this has been a long time coming. I've had to fight incredibly hard to take even this tiny step in the right direction, but it still feels like a dream. It's crazy how quickly things can change.
2). I've completed my cat training at the shelter and started dog training. But my dog training has been stalled for a month now, because I guess the trainers are really busy (or they've forgotten to invite me to their classes). Hopefully that will be remedied soon, because right now, I can't even walk the dogs. :( In the meantime, I'll spend my time with the cats. I love playing with them, but it is kitten season, so it's a little depressing to see older kittens and cats being overlooked, littermates being separated, returned, and traumatized into needy babies who just want some consistency in life.
3). While things have been going extremely well for me as of late, there was a chunk of time where the news made happiness impossible. I understand that I'm more of a serious person, generally speaking. But it still takes my breath away when human decency is a rarity.
I can't explain how discouraging it is to see a teenager murdered and then crucified and convicted to justify his murder. I can't reconcile how George Zimmerman, the racist, stalking-and-murdering piece of shit that he is was allowed to walk free without even being convicted of manslaughter. I am amazed that less than 1/3 of white Americans has any problem with that whatsoever (and yet I'm not surprised). I am amazed that a woman firing a warning shot against her abusive husband earns her years in jail, but an unrepentant murderer gets nothing, because a teenager, afraid of being raped, has no right to stand his ground.
I cannot begin to describe my continued disappointment in that or in the various states who have forced their religious beliefs to endanger the lives of women. I am amazed that Texas GOP state senators can break the law by forging documents in front of thousands of people and not receive any punishment at all. It shocks me that Rick Perry is allowed to use or would even want to use the language of rape against women for simply stating out loud what most Texans believe: that the legislation the Texas GOP state senators wanted to enact was not good. To see those men and women be called an unruly mob, to have their testimonies ignored, their participation in democracy denied so that anti-abortion fools can lie about abortions they never had, evil doctors who don't exist, and "science" that is grounded in no actual science... I can't even begin to describe how wrong that is. So much discussion about life, but these individuals wouldn't consider helping teenaged mothers pregnant with another child financially. So much conversation about medicine, but most of those trying to create that legislation have no medical degree whatsoever or even a simple understanding of what a fucking rape kit, for example, is. They don't even realize why or care how a law requiring women to undergo ultrasounds before having an abortion is germane to a discussion about abortion. All this talk about pain, but when rape survivors were testified in tears, not a single one of those Texas GOP state senators showed any sympathy for what those women went through. Nor did those senators say anything when the police assaulted several protestors at the courthouse. No one said anything when a woman was sexually assaulted by the police.
I am tired of this "pro-life" nonsense that isn't pro-life in any sense of the word. I am so tired of the criminalization of having melanin, a uterus, or both.
And I am really tired of addiction killing people and those people being blamed for their illness as though anyone chooses or invites addiction into their lives. I won't ever claim to be Cory Monteith's biggest fan, but his death is a tragedy, and it's no less of one, because he had a disease. This is a man who, by all accounts, was a kind, grateful, and passionate person. He didn't murder teenagers. He didn't endanger the lives of women. He didn't assault women or speak as though he was going to assault them. He didn't break the laws of the very process he claimed to uphold. He had an illness. He wasn't a flaming asshole unlike many people who are still living.
Compassion shouldn't be so hard to find in others.