*sigh* Blame
vivid_memory for this.
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1). I have reoccurring dreams about America's next top Model. I never really remember much about the specifics, but I can always recall the feeling of indignation that Tyra Banks hasn't stopped the competition and named me the winner. If you're wondering, yes, I still have the same body in my dream, so yeah... it's all 5'1'' of me fighting to be America's next top model. But screw you if you're laughing because a). it's my dream so clearly I should win and b). the way the show works is the less likely you could actually BE a model, the more likely it is that you'll win. So far, though, I haven't won because I've never gotten to the end of the dream where the winner is chosen. :-(
2). I am missing a Stevie Nicks CD and a Fleetwood Mac CD, and I TOTALLY blame my cat, Socks, for it. I know it sounds paranoid, but really, this is the most sane explanation I've come up with. Because I haven't taken either CD out of my room at any time, and I can't find it anywhere. So it stands to reason that the CDs either disappeared randomly or someone took them. I can't imagine the former being true at all, but I can totally see someone taking them. And that someone has four white paws. Still not convinced? Socks absolutely HATES Stevie Nicks. He goes psycho whenever I listen to her. He'll attack me, attack his brother, attack my computer or my CD player all to make it stop. If I take the CD out while he's around, he'll stand on top of it and scratch at it obsessively! And the other day, I saw him carting off with the DVD cover to "Finding Nemo." So until the albums reappear, I'm blaming my cat and his horrible taste in music (for the record, he hates Stevie Nicks, Bob Dylan, and Sade to name a few, but LOVES Jessica Simpson).
3). I never ever want to look at a picture of Robert Sean Leonard again, but I do love looking at
wilson_fest's layout. Cause you know... I made it. :-P
4). I watch the soap opera, Passions. Have since the beginning. It's so crappy, but I can't get enough.... sadly.
5). When I was younger, my hair was bright red. As I grew older though, it darkened quite a bit and turned to a dark auburn. But lately I've been noticing that it's getting redder again. And I'm not sure why because I avoid the sun like the plague (pale skin, see) so it's not getting lighter for that reason... It's just odd.
6). Harry Potter has ruined my ability to spell. It pisses me off so much, but I'll be writing something, and I'll get to a word like, snap, and I'll write Snape (and in case you're wondering, I did it just now) instead. Or last night, I was trying to write tumbled and ended up writing Tumbledore. :-(
7). I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Food that jiggles freaks me out. Jelly, jell-o, eggs, tofu -- particularly jelly. But if I see it jiggle, I can't deal. For the most part, I don't eat any of those foods, but I do love peanut butter and jelly so when I make it, I have to be very careful. If I accidentally spill the jelly, ugh... I freak, lol. It gives me the willies. I have no idea why.
There. Now I'm supposed to tag people, but I REFUSE. Deal with it, silly meme. :-p