OOC: Character Voice and Major Cleaning Underway

Jun 14, 2009 11:09

So, somewhere along the lines of unfinished plot lines, AU verses and short lived muse relationships I feel as if I've lost track of Murphy and her voice. That means it's time for a little summer cleaning and sorting things out.

First order of business is on my end. I'm going to re-watch every Dresden Files episode Murphy is in, 11 out of 12, and write prompts for each of them. Over 500 words too. I love the show so watching it through for a... eighth? ninth? time won't be the end of the world. This should help me get her voice and character really cemented back.

Second, I'm cleaning up her verses. All of them. What that means is that somethings will get dropped, things of no real significance or importance. Some muses she knows she might not know any longer. I will make sure these muses are alerted if needed. This also means I'll be skimming down the number of verses Murphy has. The ones I write the most, Canon and House, will be her two main verses. Everything else will just get an AU tag.

Third, I'm cleaning up Murphy herself. The backstory I've given her is going to get cleaned up and streamlined. Her profile and journal and just about anything else I can think to organize will be. I think that'll help me with her voice and her character a lot. It's just something I feel Murphy needs.

Edit: If anyone is looking to start a verse with Murphy or needs her for a storyline, please leave me a comment. I'd be more than happy to work things out.

If you have any questions about what I'm doing or any suggestions of what more I can do, feel free to leave a comment. Now, I've got work to do.


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