Meme & Sort of Prompt

Jun 11, 2009 09:23

Well, charloft is doing it and it inspired me to resurrect one of my all time favorite memes. That's rick, it's the Pick-A-Fic meme. Only instead of the usual list I use, I've got the one charloft put up ( Read more... )

[meme], [fanfiction]

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Threats of Violence, 618 lieu_murphy June 13 2009, 13:25:49 UTC
Giorgio Falco looked entirely too smug for Murphy’s liking. Glaring at him through the two way mirror she could just hear him thinking he’d gotten away with it. He was Marcone’s man and Vecchio’s confidential informant, which should have shortened his lifespan considerably. He was alive though, alive and looking smug because he turned Vecchio’s entire investigation into Marcone’s human trafficking ring over to Marcone himself, including the lead detective, Vecchio himself.

Did she have any real evidence to prove this? No. She had a lot of circumstantial evidence, a Mountie who had followed some sort of broken twig trail to Falco’s door and a wizard who led her to the same door when she had checked the Mountie’s work.

Yet, Falco was still smug and still certain he was going to get away with it. Six hours of interrogation hadn’t cracked him and anymore wasn’t going to help. He knew they had nothing and he knew he could get away with it if he kept his mouth shut.

“It’s not going to work,” she said softly.

“What’s not Lieutenant?” Fraser asked. Of course he heard what she really didn’t want him to hear. The Mountie had his own spooky set of skills. She was more comfortable with Harry and his wizard powers than Fraser and his strange Mountie skill.

“He won’t talk,” she said, turning away from the window to look at Fraser. “He knows we don’t have a thing on him, nothing that’ll make him talk that is.”

“We’ll just get more evidence then. I can retrace Ray’s steps the day he went missing and…”

“By the time we find him, Marcone will have gotten all the information he needs out of Vecchio and they’ll throw him in the river.” She looked back over her shoulder. She didn’t want Falco for Vecchio’s murder. She wanted him for his kidnapping and attempted murder.

“And you’re sure we can’t reason with this Marcone? He is called a Gentleman.”

“Reason doesn’t work on these people,” she muttered darkly.

“What does?”

“Threats, violence, things we can’t do because we’re the good guys.” Although, maybe those things could work, maybe she could use those things in her favor. “Stay here.”

She left Fraser in observation and walked back into interrogation. She had her cop face on again, unreadable and hard.

“Hey, sweet cheeks, you gonna let me go?”

“No.” She went to the camera in the corner and flicked it off, before she crossed to him and braced her hands on the table, leaning in close. She made sure her back was to Fraser so he couldn’t read her lips. Then she spoke in a low, clear voice. “I’m going to turn you over to transport who is going to drive you to lock up, but on the way there, they’ll get a flat tire. Now, the official report is going to say while they waited for another car to take you, you made a break for it and they were unable to stop you. What’s really going to happen is I’m going to drive up and they’ll put you in the backseat. Then I’m going to take you to a nice, private spot in the stockyards and I will make Marcone’s men look like amateurs until you talk.”

She pushed a legal pad of paper over to Falco. “And if you don’t think I can get away with it, the Mountie’s offered to help me hide the body. They’ll never find you and they’ll never suspect two straight laced officers. You have until I decide I’m just tired of waiting for you to make up your mind. No one, not even Johnny Marcone kidnaps Chicago cops under my watch, understand?”


Re: Threats of Violence, 618 r_vecchio June 13 2009, 22:09:04 UTC
Vecchio now firmly equates murderous!Murphy with sexy!Murphy...while he's fearing for his life, I'm sure. This made me woe because my boy's been kidnapped :( But made me wheee as well because you got Fraser in there too and Murphy's all dark and dangerous! Me likey! Thank you :D

P.S. Was Vecchio saved?!?! He doesn't like rivers! O_O


Re: Threats of Violence, 618 lieu_murphy June 13 2009, 22:11:34 UTC
Yes, oddly your request ended up only having your muse mentioned, lol

Of course he was saved! Murphy wouldn't let him end up in the river.


Re: Threats of Violence, 618 r_vecchio June 13 2009, 22:17:20 UTC
I love it just the same!

\o/ Phew!


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