Theatrical Muse: Ghostwalker

Jan 18, 2009 15:17

Start Something
[ooc: AU, Avengers verse, where Murphy has superpowers. soldiers_fury used with permission and love.]

“Lieutenant Murphy.”

She stopped on the Gotham courthouse steps and turned to face the man who called her. He was tall, but everyone was taller than her, African American and had an eye patch over his left eye. She’d heard about him, but only a few comments here and there.

“Colonel Fury, what can I do for you?” she asked, waiting as he closed the distance between them.

“You can buy me a cup of coffee, come on.” He walked past her, towards the diner across the street. She had no choice but to follow him. “You’re not going to ask what this is about?”

“I arrested the Joker, I’m pretty sure I know what this is about.”

He snorted a little and then held open the door for her, “Grab the booth in the back. We’ll need privacy.”

She looked him over as she stepped inside, trying to figure out what he wanted with her. His face was impossible to read and she didn’t like it. He hadn’t corrected her assumption but he hadn’t told her she was right either. Something was up, but she didn’t really have a choice. She went to the back booth and sat down facing the door. Fury scowled but sat down across from her.

“So, what do you want?”

“You know, the last time the Gotham PD arrested the Joker it took a huge operation and about eight men died. You brought him down with a gun and handcuffs. You blew up three cars and destroyed a pawn shop, but you caught him,” Fury said as he flipped over his coffee mug. “That’s pretty impressive for a city cop.”

“I was lucky.” She flipped over her own mug and folded her arms on the tabletop. “Sometimes it happens.”

“So that case with Edward Miller, was that lucky too?”

She stiffened just slightly, suddenly wary. “What happened to Miller was a tragedy. If I had known…”

“I’m not talkin’ about what happened to Miller. I’m talkin’ about what happened to you.”

“I was knocked out.”

“Do you really think I’d be here talkin’ to you about this if I didn’t already know?” Fury gave her a look like she was an idiot while the waitress filled their cups and then left them with menus. “I’m here to talk to you about somethin’ called the Avengers Initiative. We weren’t sure we were going to invite you, but after what you did with the Joker, we think you’d make a good member of the team.”

“I’m just a city cop.”

“You’re more than that.” He reached into his jacket, pulled out a file and slid it over to her. It was stamped with a number and a codename: Ghostwalker. “That tablet left a little bit of power behind in you when your friend pulled Boone out. We started watching when the tablet got stolen. If you and your wizard hadn’t of gotten involved we would have handled it.”

She cautiously took the file, watching him as she opened it. Her face stared back at her, along with a picture of the Tablet of Anubis.

“You cross between the worlds now, blur the lines between living and dead. You can become a spirit, not just astral projection, but become a spirit and then become solid again. You walk through walls, you can even possess people.” Fury leaned forward, watching her intensely. “You can even levitate if you concentrate and while you’re walkin’ around as that spirit, it’s hard to see you.”

“You’ve been spying on me.” She realized, looking through picture after picture of her with Harry while she had first discovered her powers and while he had helped her learn to control them.

“The Patriot Act is pretty handy sometimes. I’m putting together a team of superheroes to work for SHIELD and the government. There’s a spot for you on this team but you’ve only got until I finish this cup of coffee to join up. Once I’m done, I’m gone.”

“And if I say no? What? You’ll keep watching me?”

“SHIELD keeps an eye on people with powers and no affiliations.” He shrugged a shoulder. “We like to be careful.”

“I’m not going to become a super villain or something.” She closed the file and shoved it back at him. “And I don’t appreciate you guys poking around in my life.”

“You’ve got powers, we’ve got the right.”

“Yeah and a lack of morals,” she muttered. But she was curious. Ever since she’d gained her powers she hadn’t been sure what to do with them. They weren’t really useful for everyday life and hadn’t yet proved to be useful in her job. “What sort of work would it be?”

“Savin’ the world, Lieutenant. That’s what superheroes do.” He finished his coffee and took the file back. “You’ll get the contract in a few days.”

“I didn’t say yes.”

He stood up and smirked, “You didn’t have to. It’s all over your face.”

“Has anyone ever told you that arrogance isn’t a really attractive character trait?” she grumbled, holding her coffee cup between both her hands.

“You’re the first to tell me to my face. Have a good day, Lieutenant. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

She watched him walk out with a scowl. She had thought dealing with the Joker would be the most annoying thing she did in Gotham. Dealing with Fury had just taken that spot.

[what] gotham, [character prompt], [who] colonel fury, [who] the joker, [verse] avengers

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