Meme: My Parents

Jan 07, 2009 16:48

My therapist thinks this will be good for me.

1. What are/were your parents’ names?

Joseph David Murphy and Estella Christine Cruz

2. Where are/were they from?

Dad was born on the south side of Chicago. Mom was from Florida and moved to Chicago when she was young.

3. How did they meet?

I don't know. I never asked.

4. How long were they together before you came along?

Two years.

5. Were you an accident?

My dad wanted a son, what he got was me.

6. What did you love most about them growing up?

Not a whole hell of a lot. Mom sang beautifully, and dad... dad took care of me.

7. Did/do your parents fight a lot?

Yes. Mostly about the job, but other things too.

8. Or did/do they have sex a lot?

Don't want to even think about that, but since I don't have any siblings, I'm going with no.

9. What is the worst argument you ever overheard them having?

It was about a mob case. Mom didn't want dad working it, dad got mad, there was a lot of yelling.

10. Were/are they affectionate?


11. What is your favorite memory of them?

Mom was cooking dinner, I was at the kitchen table, coloring something. Dad came home, scooped me up in his arm and then went over to mom and hugged us both. He took us out to dinner to celebrate closing a case.

12. Scenario: You walk into the house and find your parents getting busy on the dining room table. What do you do? What do you think they would do?

Go outside, throw up, and then demand where the hell my mother's been the past twenty-four years.

13. Were/are your parents hip or lame?

My parents were parents, so lame.

14. Did/do they ever embarrass you in front of others?

My dad did all the time.

15. Which parent wears/wore the pants in the relationship?

My dad, no questions asked.

16. Have you ever seen one of them crying?

My mom used to all the time. I've never seen my dad cry.

17. Did/do you ever wish they would get divorced?

My parents did get divorced. I didn't know what it was until they got one.

18. Were/are they the type to spontaneously dance around the kitchen together or sit quietly in the living room ignoring each other?

When my dad was home, they'd sit in the living room and ignore each other.

19. Do you think your parents made you or ruined you?

My parents made me... and ruined me.

My therapist is an idiot.

[who] mom, [meme], [who] pop

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