The Big Show: Seven Answers for Seven Questions

Jan 06, 2008 16:23

a. Who's the biggest idiot you know?
   Arguably, it's this CI I have named Tony. Tony is an idiot. He's got a finger in everything and how he did that, I don't know. He's almost gotten himself killed twice, I've had to put him in protective custody six times, and he's a perpetually recovering alcoholic/junkie. His information is always good though. I've gotten a lot of good leads and closed a few cases with his information. He's still an idiot though. Major idiot.

b. Have you always been a jerk?
   That depends on who you ask. I think I became I jerk shortly after joining the Academy. As a girl, if you're not a jerk the guys will walk all over you. It's a survival mechanism to make it through the job. If you ask my ex, he'll agree, the job made me a jerk. I wouldn't take him too seriously, he's very biased. Against me. The guys I work with probably think I'm nice once you get to know me, but I can be a jerk about getting things done. I can't help it, my Pop's a jerk, I was raised that way.

c. Who picks your clothes?
   I do. When I was a teenager, my Pop would try and stop me from wearing certain things, but pretty much my whole life I've picked my clothes. I like to think I have pretty decent fashion sense too. I know I'm not like Paris Hilton (Thank God!) but I do pretty good. Chicago has a lot of high end shops on the Mile, but if you look around there are little clothing shops, especially on Belmont, that have better clothes and cheaper prices. My daughter will occasionally go shopping with me and she'll pick things for me, but luckily for me she has a good eye. It's a nice way to bond as mother and daughter.

d. What makes you so special?
   I'm a female Lieutenant in the oldest boys club police department in the world. I'm sure people in New York will argue with me on that, but if you know the history of the Chicago Police Department, you'll know that it's basically built on corruption and the political machine. The guys are still favored over the girls in Chicago, especially for the higher up ranks. The department's changing, becoming less corrupt, becoming more PC, but honestly, the roots of it are still the good ol' boys club and that I made it to Lieutenant it something amazing and that makes me special.

e. You call THAT sexy?
   No, I don't. I'm not supposed to look sexy at work. However, if you catch me outside of work on an actual date, I can do sexy. The last time, I got dressed up was for a date at the opera. I wore my favorite knee length, low cut green dress with my hair up. It took me forever because my hair is insanely curly, so taming it and getting it to look good in an up due without curls escaping. Heels, make-up, and good jewelry, I can do sexy. I usually prefer being in jeans and my old t-shirts, though.

f. That was dancing, not a fit, right?
   Modern dancing does look like a fit doesn't it? I was watching High School Musical with my daughter and some of the dancing just struck me as a seizure, not dancing. Anna was trying to do the moves with them, which makes me think she'll be asking for dancing lessons soon, but honestly, it's not dancing to me. Call me old fashioned, but Gene Kelly and Danny Kay, that's dancing and those guys made it look good. If I found a guy who could dance like Gene Kelly, I'd be beyond impressed. If he danced like those guys in High School Musical, I'd be a little put off. It's not dancing, it's a fit.

g. Who died and put you in charge?
   No one, actually. I took the Lieutenant's exam and I passed. However, I have asked my daughter that question when she's being bossy. It's pretty funny because she does the same voice I do when I'm ordering Sid around, except, she's smaller and more whinny. We don't fight often, Anna and me, but we do and sometimes it's hard. She gets upset that I can't be around all the time, I get upset that I'm letting my daughter down and it's sort of a big emotional explosion. We always work it out in the end, but it gets rough. And Anna gets bossy. I've said it at funnier times too, when we go to Six Flags - yes, I'm a roller coaster junkie - or when we're shopping together and she's trying to dictate our day. I get really amused when she does try to boss me around, especially if we're having fun. She's a good kid and a good boss.

[who] anna, [who] pop, [what] dating, [what] work, [who] det sid kirmani

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