OOC Meme: Alternates

Aug 28, 2008 14:22

The Hypothetical AU Meme:

Take this journal, this character and give me a type of AU or time period. I will then explain what story I would write for that AU, including your character along for the fun.

01. Space Opera!AU
02. Pirate!AU
03. Superhero!AU
04. Vampire Hunter!AU
05. Mutant!AU

06. Fantasy!AU
07. Steam Punk!AU
08. Modern Fantasy!AU
09. Werewolf!AU
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lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 19:46:26 UTC
Aren't you lucky I love AUs enough to do both.

Vampire Hunter!AU
One night on a stake out, Murphy chases a suspect down a dark alley and right into a gang of vampires. It's a trap and through Murphy knows how to fight she stands no chance against them. The vampires overpower her and start sucking on her neck. She's going to die until teenage girl comes to her rescue and saves her life.

Yet, it may be too late. Murphy's been infected and she'll turn slowly turn into a vampire herself if Bree doesn't find help. The only place she can think to turn her is estranged father, House, who once tried to cure the vampire virus but failed.

Father and daughter have a chance to reconnect if they can keep Murphy from dying and then coming back from the dead.

The widowed Dr. Gregory House can't keep any help in his house. His surly attitude and terrible manners drive them all away. Yet, he needs someone to care for the house because of his damaged leg and care for his daughter, Aubrey.

Connie Murphy, an Irish immigrant in London, needs a doctor, but has no money to pay for one since her father can't work in the factory any longer. So, she makes a deal. She'll work for Dr. House as a maid and servant, dealing with all his terrible moods and manners, if he'll treat her dad.

The deal is made, but when Aubrey sees that the new maid is able to stand up to her father and even argue back, the young girl sees it as a chance to find her father happiness.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 19:49:03 UTC
OMG I love them both. I love them so much I don't know what to do.

Though Bree is very unhappy that she'd have to go by Aubrey in the Victorian age. *shudders*


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:21:01 UTC
lol, Thanks. I love coming up with AUs.

Ah, that's alright. Murphy would call her Bree when they're alone together.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:22:37 UTC
Which is why Murphy rocks.

I'd love to see Murphy face off against grumpy Victorian House.


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:25:05 UTC
Hardcore, dude.

I'd love to see Murphy with an Irish accent.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:26:15 UTC
So thick it's barely understandable.

PLEASE write some dialogue for this. I think it would kill me with its awesomeness.


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:32:42 UTC
Uh, let's see. Probably they'd have a fight about Bree at one point, something like:

"Just what sort of things are you teaching my daughter?"

"They're called manners an' if ya bothered with 'em ya might 'ave more than one wee woman runnin' ya household!"

"Manners are the reason she'll never be allowed into a University or to be anything other than a mother and a high society parrot!"

"Aye, she'll nevar have the chances a son would, but ya leave her with no instruction and ya'll be condemin' her ta a life of loneliness. I'm gonna make sure she don't turn inta ya!"


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:34:47 UTC
I am dead from awesomeness. And I would totally stay up until the wee hours of the morning reading this story.

I would follow this crack train til the end of the line.


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:37:20 UTC
If I knew more about Victorian London and the rules of society, I might write it. I'd be kinda fun to have the whole cast join in and see how far I could take it.

I've never written a Victorian romance/drama before though.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:39:00 UTC
I'm sure you could Wikipedia it. :D

I haven't either. I've read like one regency romance my friend handed me but that one was a little tongue and cheek.

Now you have me thinking where the rest of the cast would fit in.


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:41:48 UTC
Problem is I'm a History major, I have to have some historical accuracy or else I annoy myself.

I can't stand most Victorian romances. They annoy me for some reason.

Oh, that's the other fun part, figuring out where people like Wilson... oh! oh! What if just as Murphy and House are starting to see eye to eye and the household is becoming peaceful, Wilson suggests that House remarry and he has the perfect cousin for him... Cameron.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:44:03 UTC
Yes! OMG yes! That would be perfect!

I'm seriously covering my mouth so my squealing does not upset my coworkers.


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:47:37 UTC
And so, Murphy, who is only a maid has to step back and pretend she doesn't care for House or care who he marries because that's the polite thing to do.

Bree has to convince them both their idiots and that House needs to marry Murphy if he really wants to be happy before Wilson returns from... Stratford with Cameron and the wedding arraignments are made.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:49:20 UTC
And she would tell them they were idiots. Society be damned!


lieu_murphy August 28 2008, 20:54:45 UTC
"But, father..."

"Aubrey, I don't want to hear more about this. The issue is closed."

For a moment, Aubrey went silent before letting out a frustrated noise. She stomped off towards the library door, ready to throw it open and continue her dramatic exit when she stopped with her hand on the doorknob.

"All my life you have cared nothing for society's rules." She said softly, looking down at her hand on the elegantly carved handle. "You have taught me that society only holds us back and forces us to be like actors in a play. You hate actors and society for making us into them. Why now do you suddenly want to be a player upon the stage?"

When her father gave no answer, Aubrey blinked back tears and left him to think about his new role.


toomuchlikedad August 28 2008, 20:56:21 UTC
dfoglksdpkbsop] = the sound of my squee-age

Can Cameron be semi evil? Do they have semi evil people in stories like this?


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