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_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:05:59 UTC
Yeah that. Snake shrugged. Worth a try. If not he might be interested in learning the little bit I do know.

I am. I still got them but the one is broken. Snake shrugged downing his scotch. I'd offer to show you but you'd probably give me an excuse. Still I could just show you without asking.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:13:23 UTC
"Why don't you ask the Harry you know?" She asked, curious. She knew Snake didn't trust people, but if he knew Harry was a wizard, they should have at least talked.

"I don't think the rest of Mac's patrons would appreciate the show." She looked around the bar pointedly. "Look, you don't have to do something flashy for me. I get it now. No need to change my mind."


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:16:45 UTC
I would but it's been a long time since I've seen him.

Snake looked out on the bar. That's the thing about angels. We only let the people see we want to see.

Snake shrugged. I was right about the excuse. When are you going to calm down enough and realize you got a teacher standing here prodding you in the ass to help you out?


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:20:32 UTC
"Never too late to catch up." She said. It was hard for her to imagine her life without Harry in it now that she'd gotten so used to him being around.

She sighed, "Snake, thanks, but you've got responsibilities and I have Harry. No offense, really, but it's easier for me to go to him than go to you. You're a little out of my way."


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:23:29 UTC
True. Last time I knew he was trying to patch things up with his son I think.

Snake shook his head. First off I'm not out of the way. You got a phone and I got here from New York in 20 some minutes. Second, I can teach you about things other than magic. There are lot of supernatural beings out there besides mages.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:27:08 UTC
Murphy's eye jumped slightly. Hearing Harry had a son was still weird. Way weirder than magic. "Go try. Can't hurt, right?"

"I got that hint when that thing came at me." She looked at him, slightly sheepish. "Look, this is more about me than it is about what you can offer me. Right now, I can't take that help. I trust you, but with something like this, there's only one person I trust. I'm sorry."


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:30:33 UTC
I suppose.

That thing was probably a magic construct of some sort. Like those damned things.. nevermind we'll talk about those later.

Snake nodded. It is about you but it is also about me. I don't hide what I am from friends. I've had to from you and it bothers me.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:34:54 UTC
She rubbed the back on her neck, trying to work this all out in her head. It was still difficult, though she was trying hard to change her view.

"You don't have to hide it. Harry's not any more, you don't have to either." She said, letting her hand fall. "I can't promise I'll be excited about it, but I won't... it won't be like before."


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:38:25 UTC
Snake smiled and reached out patting her arm. I'll go easy on you.

First thing is you got to remember about me is that there are two separate people here. Hmm.. Snake Plissken and Apollyon, the angel. We got different personalities and sometimes you'll see him when he's awake in my behavior.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:41:15 UTC
She rolled her eyes. She really hated when people patronized her. Even if Snake was kidding it was damn annoying.

She listened, but swallowing magic was easier than this. Murphy didn't have a religion, and hearing about angels was a little out there even in a world of magic. She didn't say anything about it though. "How will I know? Will you suddenly grab my ass or just start speaking in tongues?"


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:46:06 UTC
Snake wasn't patronizing her. It was his honesty. Her comment made him chuckled.

He's less crass than me. They'll be no ass grabbing from him. Snake sighed and something in his demeanor changed. He stiffened a bit and got a predatory look about him as he eyed the bar patrons. When he spoke his voice was deeper and definitely rougher than normal.

Once you see it. It's obvious. Especially if we're pissed off.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:49:55 UTC
She watched the change and stiffened. Looking at her now was a predator and a killer. This was not the friend she was talking to a moment before. Something she didn't completely understand deep down recognized the look and flared for a moment before settling back down. It was weird and she tried to ignore it.

"I'll try not to piss you off, but with us, it'll probably happen." She said, determined not to show any fear.


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:53:13 UTC
Snake calmed to himself and smiled. He'll never hurt you no matter how pissed I get unless you harm my family.

It's one of the perks of being my friend. Unless I've been killed it will always be either me or both of us and never just him.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 03:56:29 UTC
"I'm a bitch, but I'm not that much of a bitch." Murphy said, relaxing now that the predator had gone away.

Snake was just trying to educate her, she got that, but it was having the unintended result of Murphy feeling more powerless. She'd find a way to fight back though. This stuff was in her city and she had to stop it, so she'd find a way to fight it.


_call_me_snake_ April 2 2008, 03:59:44 UTC
I know.

Snake watched the way she was acting and shook his head. More often than not the supernaturals are everyday people. Most aren't like me. The ones that are out there I think more of them are vigilantes than criminals. Least from what I've seen. Do you good to learn to recognize them. Lot of allies out there you could use.


lieu_murphy April 2 2008, 04:07:22 UTC
"Not to sound like I have self-esteem issues." Which she did. "But no one from that side of things has any reason to work with me. You and Harry are my friends but everything else out there, they don't know me from Adam."

She took another drink and realized she finished her first glass. She glared at it, like it was its fault and then pushed it aside and took up the second one. "I'm not really worried about getting them to work with me either. When they start threatening my city, I want to stop them. That's all."


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