Fanfiction: 50 Sentences on Murphy

Feb 27, 2008 20:30

Author's Note: Well, I always have fun writing Murphy, so since I did this for Athena, I did it for Murphy too. Just another exercise to study Murphy's character and the past I've made for her.

01.    Ring
Murphy thought about giving Neal his ring back, instead she locks it away with her mother’s and pretends neither exists.

02.    Hero
Despite everything he’s done, or not done in some cases, her father is still her hero.

03.    Memory
Dr. Hendricks tells Murphy her mind isn’t ready to remember yet but Murphy knows that her mind simply can’t.

04.    Box
It’s a perfect void in a bloody crime scene that prompts her to check pawn shops and a bloody box that gives her the killer.

05.    Run
She runs for exercise when she jogs, she runs for fun when she plays with Anna, and she runs from the demons in her sleep every night.

06.    Hurricane
“A hurricane in the Windy City, that’s funny Dresden, now tell me what’s really going on.”

07.    Wings
Harry’s looking over her shoulders, a strange wondrous expression in his eyes so she shifts her shoulders uncomfortably and there’s a whispered rustle of feathers.

08.    Cold
It drove her ex crazy that she wore socks to bed, but Murphy can’t stand having cold feet and that was the end of that argument.

09.    Red
There’s blood on her hands, suspects, victims, Harry’s, it’s all on her hands and it’s never coming off.

10.    Drink
Days off mean one thing: drinks with Harry.

11.    Midnight
Harry says it’s a magical time, but Murphy snorts because midnight is when all the crazies come out.

12.    Temptation
Okay, so maybe, sometimes, she wonders about him but after two kisses it’s only natural and it’s not like she’s ever going to act on the temptation, right?

13.    View
Her point of view is gray, ever since a young age there’s been no black and white in Murphy’s world and that’s why she tries so hard to make it black and white.

14.    Music
She tells people the High School Musical soundtrack is for her daughter, but she hums a few of the songs because they’re catchy.

15.    Silk
Murphy hasn’t worn silk since her Opera Date because every time she does, something goes wrong.

16.    Cover
She yanks the covers over her head while Anna giggles with the flashlight clutched tightly to her chest.

17.    Promise
Holding Anna for the first time, Murphy swears she will never leave her, never.

18.    Dream
Cold sweat, cold fear, crushing pressure on her chest and Murphy wakes with a silent scream.

19.    Candle
She can tell Harry’s coming before she can see him because the scene of old leather and candles gives him away.

20.    Talent
Apparently being a good shot is not a talent suitable for a high school talent show.

21.    Silence
There’s an awkward pause after she asks for his promise and she can’t take it so she walks out.

22.    Journey
The priest at her wedding told her marriage is a journey but hers was more like a boxing match with each round leaving her dreading the next.

23.    Fire
“The saying should be where there’s smoke, there’s fire and Harry Dresden.”

24.    Strength
She’s small, short, and no one thinks she’s as strong as she really is.

25.    Mask
The badge is not just a shield, but for Murphy, a mask to keep everyone out.

26.    Ice
Why did she wear her cowboy boots in this weather when it’s likely she’s going to break an ankle?

27.    Fall
She and Anna rake the leaves together and then jump into the pile because Murphy really doesn’t care if her lawn is leaf free.

28.    Forgotten
Another birthday rolls by without a phone call from her dad.

29.    Dance
Her grandmother insisted she learn and it works out in her favor that she likes it.

30.    Body
Even after months, she still feels like a stranger in her own skin sometimes.

31.    Sacred
Her daughter, her badge and her gun are the only holy trinity she needs.

32.    Farewells
She doesn’t cry over losing Anna until her daughter is gone and Murphy can’t hold it in anymore.

33.    World
Her world is merging with his and she doesn’t even notice.

34.    Formal
“It’s called a uniform, Dresden and they always make me wear it when I have reviews so please stop staring before I’m forced to hurt you.”

35.    Fever
She stays up all night when Anna gets the flu because it’s easier than waking with every cough.

36.    Laugh
She can’t help it, she bursts out laughing because the look on Harry’s face when she asks about breaking up is priceless.

37.    Lies
She hates the lies he keeps telling her and hates that she can’t believe because if she did, he wouldn’t lie any more.

38.    Forever
If there is a forever, Murphy doesn’t believe she can find it.

39.    Overwhelmed
Mr. Crispy is getting on her last nerve when Harry brings her pie and suddenly the weight feels lighter.

40.    Whisper
When she wakes up, she whispers to herself because there’s no one else to do it for her.

41.    Wait
The day her mother left, Murphy waited in the window of her grandmother’s house until she fell asleep.

42.    Talk
Dr. Hendricks is hard to talk to because Murphy just can’t trust her but Harry’s getting easier and easier to tell things to.

43.    Search
The door slams shut, Murphy didn’t see who did it and now she can’t get out and all she can do is listen to Harry fight off his attacker.

44.    Hope
Anna is Murphy’s hope that she can do something good with her life.

45.    Eclipse
There are times when she knows the Officer Murphy people are talking about isn’t her.

46.    Gravity
She shouldn’t have to carry so much maturity on her shoulders at the age of twelve.

47.    Highway
She wonders sometimes as she drives home from work what would happen if she just kept driving but she never does because her life has enough twists and turns as it is.

48.    Unknown
She hates the unknown, hates feeling stupid and yet more and more she’s finding things she knows nothing about.

49.    Lock
She crosses her arms, turns her back and lets Harry pick the lock while she hums the M*A*S*H theme and thinks of an excuse for her report.

50.    Breathe
She forcing air into her father’s lungs, desperately trying to work air and life into his body.

[who] pop, [fanfiction], [who] mom, [who] anna, [episode] soul beneficary, [episode] boone identity, [who] harry dresden, [episode] second city

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