Just Muse Me - Worst Cas Scenario

May 24, 2010 11:31


“Look, I just don’t see the point boss,” Kirmani said from the passenger seat as he flipped through cell phone records for their latest victim. “He’s been in the system half his life, he’s not going to buy the concerned cop role. Even if you pull off that genuine mother thing you’ve got going.”

They weren’t talking about that case though, they were talking about one of the twenty or so they had on their desks. Summer was here and the murder rate was sky rocketing. Like every other pair of homicide detectives in Chicago, they were swamped. They got an extra bonus though, the weird ones. Their latest weird case was pretty damn weird and nagging at the back of Murphy’s brain, but she had to put it aside for now. They had non-spooky murders to solve.

“We don’t have enough to arrest him right now. We need to get him to talk. Bad cop’s not going to work either,” she pointed out, resting an elbow against the driver side window as they coasted through traffic.

Summer had brought in the tourists which meant the streets were packed. Even the low streets along the River were moving at a slow inch forward. Of course, in Chicago twenty miles an hour was a crawl. She glanced at the speedometer and sighed. Twenty-five, they’d be back at the station in half an hour at this rate, if they didn’t get another call.

“Maybe we can get Griffin in on it. New cop?”

“That might…”

Murphy broke off when something careened into the side of the SUV. The wheel jerked, sending the car into the guardrails which screeched as they got pushed along by whoever had crashed into them. She jerked the wheel and floored it, trying to get away, but nothing happened.

“What the hell?”

“We’re dead.” Kirmani pointed to the clock on the dash which was off. “We’re dead.”

“How the…” Murphy twisted the keys in the ignition, but nothing happened. The engine didn’t even attempt to roll over. They were just rolling now, momentum keeping them going forward.

She twisted in her seat, glancing at mirrors trying to get a look at who was coming at them. She caught a glimpse of a big, black sedan, wholly unremarkable except for the fact it was coming at them full speed.

“Shit,” Kirmani managed before it impacted.

Another slam and they both scrambled to brace themselves. She was thrown forward into the steering wheel, seatbelt jerking tight, forcing the air out of her chest and the airbag slamming into her face. She could do nothing but hang on, listening to the roaring engine of the other car and the scream of tearing metal. There was a crack, which Murphy assumed was some piece of metal and then an uncomfortable sense of weightlessness.

Through the cracked windshield she saw green water rushing up to meet them. The son of a bitch had rammed them straight through the street guard and now they were going to hit the River. She was scrambling for her seatbelt even before they hit. As soon as they did there was a huge crash and for a sickening instant she thought the SUV was going to flip and land on its roof in the water but then the back end dropped and the engine started to drag them down.

“Go!” she yelled, yanking her seatbelt free and shoving her door open with everything she had.

It opened, but the river rushed in and the SUV started to sink faster. She crawled, pushed and eventually swam out of the sinking car, dragged under for a brief terrifying second before she broke the surface and took a gasping breath of air.

“Kirmani?! Sid?!” She yelled, treading water.

“I’m good, Connie,” he popped up a few feet from her, coughing a little. “It was pretty damn hot today anyway.”

She laughed a little, sort of dazed and impressed he could still manage to joke even though they had just been run off the road and into the River. He was a little cut up and bruised. From the way her nose felt, she suspected she was in much the same condition. They were both alive though, she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth and complain about a few bruises.

She looked up towards the street and the twisted railings they had gone through as she swam towards the edge of the river. The wood posts that lined the edge would be good to hold on to until CPD water rescue came and fished them out. There were a few people shouting down to them, one man was on a cell phone but as she studied the railings as she hung on against the current. They were brand new. They shouldn’t have broken, they should have held.

There was something weird going on.

[ooc: kicking off the summer with a new storyline for Murphy!]

[verse] canon, [character prompt], [storyline] drop dead, [who] det sid kirmani

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