1. How about a brief introduction?
Hi there, I’m Liz, mun to Munch (
munchsvu), Murphy (
lieu_murphy) and Athena (
a_parthenos). Most people call me Moose.
2. What got you into fan fiction (and/or adopting muses)?
This meme will be for Murphy specifically. I originally started writing Dresden fanfiction over at Dresden Flash Fic. I somehow got the courage up to try out those characters and when people seemed to like what I wrote, I debated between Karrin Murphy from the books or Connie Murphy from the TV show. I ended up with Connie because I hadn’t finished the books.
3. What kind of fan fiction do you write?
With Murphy, I do a lot of angst I’ve noticed. I don’t know, Murphy’s got this great past with all these deep emotional pits of doom that I love flinging her into. It’s not exactly nice, but that’s where my brain and her brain seem to go. I’m also trying to avoid writing things with Harry or about Harry because if someone picks up Harry, I don’t want to lock them into anything simply because I wrote it for a prompt. I’m working on writing more happy things with Murphy.
4. Do you write for the same pairings/characters?
Okay, I’m such a Harry/Murphy shipper, I should have a freaking t-shirt for it. I write tons of Harry/Murphy that I post at various places. I don’t really write that here any more because as I said before, I don’t want to lock a Harry into anything.
I’ve branched out with Murphy in same cases, like the short House/Murphy ficlette I wrote though.
5. What is your most popular fic and why do you think people like it so?
My most popular Murphy entry would have to be
Soft, Lovely, Gentle, Kind. At least, that’s the one I think people like the most. I’ve never gotten rave reviews for anything I’ve written for Murphy, not like the attention I’ve gotten for Munch. Which is fine. I just like writing Murphy.
6. Forgot other people, what is the fanfic you've written that you're most proud of?
My personal favorite it also
Soft, Lovely, Gentle, Kind. That’s just a really good look into Murphy and what really drives her character. Everyone sees the tough shell she’s got, but there’s more to Murphy than that. That entry shows that vulnerable side of Murphy and it’s something few people will get to see ever.
7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What aspects do you struggle with?
With Murphy, I don’t find anything really hard. Mostly, it’s the point of view I struggle with. Do I want this in first person or third? I write a lot of third person with Murphy, which I feel is more fanfiction writing than muse writing, but that’s just me. I really have a hard time writing Murphy in first person, no idea why though, I hear her in my head all the time.
8. Write a few sentences of your favorite pairing or character.
Ha! You want me to condense what I love about Harry/Murphy into a few sentences? It can’t be done! But, I’ll try. I really love that Harry and Murphy are friends who have fights. These two really got at it a time or two on the show. It’s not some perfect violin background music sort of relationship. These two fight, but they’ll still risk their lives for each other and care for each other very deeply. I love that.
9. Are there any fan fiction trends/cliches you hate?
I really hate it when people make Murphy into a whimp. I know, it’s hard to think of Murphy as anything less than kick ass, but I’ve read a few fics where Murphy’s turns into this soft, push over weakling who lets Harry walk all over her. That’s not Murphy. Murphy kicks ass, hands down. She’d never let Harry fight her battles for her, or rescue her without her trying to get free first. Murphy can take care of herself and she does, and while yes, Harry tries to protect her, they always fight side by side, never with her behind him. Except when Harry has to shield from magic, then she’s behind him but it’s temporary.
10. Are you guilty of any of the trends you hate?
Oh hell no. When I write Murphy going to Harry for comfort it’s on her terms and in her comfort zone, though going to anyone for comfort is outside Murphy’s comfort zone. There is a way to write Murphy as a strong character turning to Harry for help without making her a simpering mess.
11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still write for it?
The first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter and no, I don’t write for it any more. I guess I grew out of it. Once Harry turned into a whinny jerk, I couldn't deal with him any more. Also, those fanfictions were bad. Really, really, bad. So bad they were hard to read. I still have them on my computer and sometimes I read them to remind myself of how far I've come.
12. Name your OTPs and explain what it is about them you love to write.
Oh, more space to talk about how awesome Harry/Murphy is. You got it. Another thing I love about my OTP is the snark. These two snipe at each other all the time and all of it is hysterically funny. It’s like Mulder/Scully snark, honestly with just as much UST as those two. My favorite scene happens in Second City (1.12) the most shippiest episode ever. Murphy looks at Harry completely straight faced and asks “Are you breaking up with me?” and Harry just gets this completely stunned look on his face. Hysterical!
13. What would you call your writing style?
With Murphy, it really depends on what I’m writing. If I’m writing fanfiction just for the sake of fanfiction, I go more shippy and I have a lot more Harry involvement. If it’s for an entry, I talk more about Murphy’s past which as never that clear in the show. I take a lot of risks with Murphy, defining things like her relationship with her mother and her ex-husband. I really liked exploring how Murphy came to be the Murphy we see in the show.
14. Do you read other people's fan fiction? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
Oh man, I love the Dresden writers out there. It’s a very small community that writes Dresden fanfiction and most of them are simple fantastic. Of course, my favorite thing to read is Harry/Murphy, but I also have a soft spot for Bob fics. I love Bob. I’ll occasionally read Morgan fic, but it’s got to be really good Morgan fic. I also have no biased towards book-verse or TV-verse. Either one will do for me.
15. Name one thing you'd love to write but have been too afraid or too shy to do.
I really want to write a story line where Murphy’s mother comes back after years and years of being gone. I’ve actually got the rough idea worked out and would love to do it here through a series of prompts, but Murphy has no real support network here. All her friends live in different states except for a handful and she definitely couldn’t face her mother’s return without a Harry to lean on. So, that’s been shelved.
16. Do you feel uncomfortable taking criticism? Or worse, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
I love criticism. Honestly, people tearing my stories apart makes them better. As long as it’s constructive criticism. Flamers have no use or worth. If you offer me reasonable, well thought out advice I will listen. If you smash the keyboard and just yell, I don’t give a damn.
17. When you write, is there anything that helps?
Murphy’s a big music fan. If she’s not feeling a prompt, I can turn on some tunes and that gets her going. She really like country, which is kinda weird to me because I never expected my Murphy to be a country fan, and a lot of that can get her going.
18. What inspires you?
Depends on what prompts are available. Sometimes quotes do it, sometimes it’s music lyrics, or whatever’s been offered. Those writer’s block prompts are good too. In the case of Murphy, I can really pick anything I want, but usually I have a rough idea in mind and then I start searching for the right prompt to help me. Other times, the prompt comes first and the entry follows. Murphy likes to respond to quotes and slogans though.
19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fan fiction experiences and you as a writer?
For Dresden, it’s one of the best experiences I’ve had in the fanfiction world. The people in the community are amazing and very nice. I haven’t had any huge hits like I did in the SVU fandom, but that doesn’t discourage me at all. The people who are reading my fic actually care for the content and the detail of it. That means a lot.
20. Tag some friends, because they'll hate you for it.