Fanfiction: Outside Observations

Mar 02, 2010 16:49

Title: Outside Observations
Fandom: House/Dresden Files TV Crossover
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): House/Murphy, mentions of House/Cuddy and House/Cameron
Author’s Note: So, when walking to my internship today I kept myself entertained by thinking up fic or writing little bits of it in my head. Today, this idea of Wilson watching House and Murphy popped up and unlike the other things I thought of, it didn’t go away. I’m trying my hands at Wilson’s voice, which is more difficult than I imagined. I’m glad I wrote this anyway. I really liked stretching into an unfamiliar voice for this. Probably didn’t help I’m half-asleep, but anyway, here’s some Wilson POV Mouse fic.

A quick check of his desk clock told Wilson that House was late for lunch, which was fine with him. He had adjusted his calendar to make his lunch an hour later. He knew the routine by now. House would stroll in and ask him what was taking so long then make him pay for lunch. It happened every time they actually scheduled lunch together instead of House ambushing him in the cafeteria line. The hour actually gave him time to finish some paperwork, read a few lab results and another look at the clock told him he had time for a nap.

Setting the files aside, he got up and stretched, looking through the blinds out to the still snow covered grounds. Like the rest of the East Coast, New Jersey was trapped in Snowmageddon. It was kind of pretty when it wasn’t dangerous. Today, it was more pretty than dangerous and he took a moment to admire the scene. What he saw made him stop and part the blinds with two fingers. Two figures were walking across the parking lot, in step and heads bowed against the weather. He recognized House immediately but it took him a moment to recognize the woman walking next to him. Murphy, the cop.

He wasn’t really familiar with her. He had almost confused her with Cuddy at first since all he could see was curly brown hair and a green stripped scarf, but the way she carried herself, the walk was different. Yeah, it was definitely Murphy. Wilson had to wonder why she was here, wondered if it was for House. He couldn’t think of any other reason, unless it was because of the problems in the pharmacy. From what he remembered about her, she was homicide not narcotics or DEA. She had to be here for House.

From the look of things, House was walking across that parking lot because of her. All the winter layers told him they hadn’t just run into each other and Murphy showed up on her own. Maybe they had lunch? Maybe House tried to get her to make his speeding tickets disappear? He didn’t know and it worried him. When it came to House and Murphy, he didn’t know a lot and the things House kept from him always worried him.

They talked about it sometimes, although House did everything he could to change the conversation as quickly as possible. He always let it go. He should stop that and probably start needling House a little more on it. Murphy had been appearing on and off in House’s life for awhile and still he only knew a few things about her. Over lunch he’d press House for details, get a few answers. The first would be why House seemed to like a cop. Moral crusaders weren’t really House’s type, despite brief flirting with Cameron. He also assumed that after Tritter, House would want to steer clear of all cops.

He should probably stop assuming things about House.

But something was going on there, between the two of them. House called Murphy when he was drunk and Murphy picked him up. She invited herself to sleep over, took liberties other women would never try with House and House let her get away with it. Watching them stop next to an SUV with police plates, Wilson couldn’t figure it out. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t like anything he’d seen from House before, maybe a few familiar bits and pieces but the whole was something new, something alien.

He’d have to find out, he told himself as he watched them stand inches apart, heads bent together. They weren’t kissing but even from his office he could see they were thinking about it. Public flirting wasn’t unheard of from House, though his flirting usually involved lewd comments to Cuddy. Murphy seemed like the type to hit someone for that, but she was leaning up to close the distance between her and House. He looked away at that and checked his watch. Lunch was going to be much more interesting today than usual.

[ship] house/murphy, [verse] house, [fanfiction]

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