Theatrical Muse - To The Bone

Feb 05, 2010 10:09

[ooc: This prompt response is brought to you by this roleplay with coolerthnpotter, a new Harry and a new verse for Murphy.]


The chill in Harry’s apartment hits her heated skin and she pulls her mouth away from his with a breathless gasp. Harry takes this as a good sign and trails his mouth down her neck, his tongue leaving trails that quickly go cold in the cool air of his apartment.

The power’s still out, leaving only candles and the fireplace for light and warmth. Harry feelings burning hot in contrast and she presses close to chases the chills away with his heat. His mouth, his hands, his chest, every part of him seemed to seep heat into her so that the winter cold was a sharp contrast that makes her break out in goose bumps.

They could go under the blankets now that they’ve left his couch behind. His copper colored bedspread is bunched up against her shoulders and hips. If she turns her head, she can see it clutched tightly in his fists. They’re not going under the covers anytime soon, which is fine with her. The cool air keeps her from completely losing her mind in this, keeps her just a little more focused.

She shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be crossing this line with her best friend and a guy who works for her sometimes. This could end up being a bigger shit storm than her divorce but the heat between them loosens her tightly held control and settles right in the pit of her stomach where she knows it’ll be good, really good. She’s done stupid things before because of that feeling and this is really nothing new. Except it is, because it’s Harry and he’s making her burn brighter than anyone else she’s had before.

The last of the chill finally disappears when he pushes inside her and she rakes her nails along his shoulders before they dig in and she gets a hold. There’s no cold now, just the way he’s in her, burning her up from the inside and sending her straight over the edge into ecstasy in a matter of minutes. She usually has better staying power. Either she really needed this or she just really needed him. She’s not about to complain because he’s still going and she’s burning up again.

It takes longer this second time which she’s grateful for. She likes this burn, the way it cracks and sparks between them. His mouth on her breasts, her legs tight around his waist, the way he looks at her and the way she looks right back, every action, every reaction stokes the flames and sends them spiraling up like embers tossed from a log. They burn up and up and up until they burn out, go supernova and collapse in on each other.

She feels the chill pretty quickly after that as the sweat dries on her skin and evaporation pulls the heat away. She curls into him because she’s cold and he’s still pretty warm, that’s what she tells herself because the only way this could get more complicated is if she started to feel something for him. She’s going to ignore the fact that she might already.

“Sorry,” he mumbles and he bundled her into his arms before bundling them both under the covers.

“It’s okay,” she says softly back. Everything here, the pillow under her head, the blankets over her, smell like Harry. She’s surrounded by something familiar, something comforting and she’s tired. Her eyes drift closed without her permission and she falls asleep without a single cold shiver to disturb her peace.

[verse] all that i have, [smut], [character prompt], [ship] harry/murphy, [who] harry dresden

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